...take this pool from zero to filthy in 20 minutes or less.
The pups got a kiddie pool this week, and Miss Praline made short work of filling it with muck and oomska. In fact, shortly after she began playing in it, she looked like a mudball her ow
nself. Chuy was more take-it-or-leave-it with the pool. Praline's a water baby, though...

Since we are mid-lurch into flea&tick season, I need to pass along a word of caution from my sister. She sent an email with the following:

so now, since I'm obvs cheap, I got Sentry Pro XFC for de pups. Big mistake. I will be up all night. I think they will live, but they are VERY sick. Thank God for the Childrens Benedryl in that package of pet meds u gave me. I will NEVER use an otc pet med again. Researching this product online now that i'm watching the freak show(twitching, pacing, whimpering, swollen puffy ears? wtf, etc) is horrifying. Why is this product still available? I wish I had gone to law school. Never let anyone you know use this crap!!
So now I've passed it along. The funny thing about me giving her the Benadryl was that right after Valentine died in July, I found homes for all of her things, including leftover heartworm pills, etc, and in that bag was the Benadryl I kept on hand in case she ever had an allergic reaction. I didn't think I'd be getting another dog so soon (shows what I know). Anyway, the important thing is that if you must try an OTC med on your pet, just be sure to monitor them closely and to keep some benadryl and a good, mild doggie shampoo on hand, too. I'm glad this experience didn't end in disaster. I would be crushed to lose any of my dogs, and I would spare her or you that experience.
Enjoy your Sunday, and be sure to romp with your dogs. I intend to. :)
Pups are still a little weird, but can rest now. Daisy's ears are almost normal size again. Sentry Pro XFC is a dangerous product for small dogs, imho. I'll take fleas anyday over the last 24hrs of misery my mini weiners have gone through. Thanks for the Benedryl P, I think it helped alot!
You could market the post-Praline water as a spa treatment for puppehs: Special mud-packs for canines!
As long as they're having fun, it's all good. My dogs hate water with a burning zeal. That's why the squirt gun is so effective for dealing with misbehavior. ;) Indexing of the finger not required...
Trust me on this one.
Kids will muck up a kiddie pool even faster...
Agree with Jay! Kids WILL turn a kiddie pool into a mudbath in nothing flat!!! Glad the pup is okay!
anything made by Hartz and Sargeant are half liable to kill dogs and cats...PLEASE forward that information around. googling either of these brands will pull up lots and lots of horror stories of pets dying. :(
Tres cute.
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