If you have $22 million rattling around, burning a hole in your very deep pockets[call me!], you may want to consider a very high-profile real estate purchase. The 138 acres of hillside scrub next to the Hollywood sign is up for grabs. That's just a smidge under $160,000 per acre. A mere pittance. Apparently a bunch of the locals are about to pinch a loaf over the prospect of a mansion-scape next to their "Eiffel Tower." *snicker* Still others see a toothsome symmetry in the prospect of development of this parcel of land which was once owned by Howard Hughes: the original Hollywoodland sign with its 45' steel/concrete letters was erected as a promotion for a real estate development.
"That is our Eiffel Tower," Councilman Tom LaBonge said. "There is the Hollywood sign. There is the open space. And that's all there is. This is ours and it should remain ours."
Don't you just love liberal-speak? Wonder what the ass-hat councilidiot would say to someone driving off in his car proclaiming "this is mine and it should remain mine?"
But thanks to the supremes and Kelo you just never know...
I hope whoever buys it defaces it with something really derogatory toward hollywood liberals.
myron - Yeah, liberal speak really warms the little cockroaches of my heart. Insane.
Hammer - Yeah, I think trailer park people throughout the country should take up a collection, buy that plot of land and put up the architectural equivalent of a mullet, doncha think?
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