Here's little wrinkles. He's the one I would have taken of the litter. The circumstances of my life right now will not permit me to take on the additional responsibility of a new puppeh. Plus, I need to work on better behaviour from the two pups I already have before I bring in another baby to break in. Wrinkle was adopted by a couple who adored him, and I'm sure they'll shower him with the affection such sweet wrinkles demand. I think he's the one in the group photo with the wings outspread like
Dumbo ears.

Two of the six pups have been spoken for, and my sis wants to keep Fat Girl. I hope she gets to-- FG is an adorable wiener. They still have snub noses yet, and they are sweet little things. I feel a little wistful, but these pups were not meant to be mine. I hope they all have lovely, happy lives with folks who spoil them rotten. Wiener dogs are tyrants and excel at bending their humans to their will, so I'm sure they have a good shot at being the pampered, overly-indulged things I wish them to be.
Dogspeed, little furballs!
lol, "FG is an adorabel wiener"... don't let FarmGirl see that. :D
Dogspeed, little furballs!
Heh. Dyslexics 'R' Us. Nice turn of a phrase, Phlegmmy!
Nice pics, only problem is they grow out of puppy stage... LOL
Dogspeed. I love it!
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