Tuesday, July 24, 2007

If Al Gore is such a genius, why didn't he call his movie something clever like "The Earth Who Fell To Man?"

Also, since Earth has been granted person-hood now (along with artificial life forms) how soon will activist organizations begin demanding Earth's rights, filing lawsuits on Earth's behalf? I mean, we so masterfully have bent the entire planet to our will, what with our having ended the shift of tectonic plates, the production of magma, and animal-on-animal violence.


Kevin said...

Y'know, I was watching a little animal-on-animal violence today when I fed my snake (his very first full grown mouse - I'm so proud! How quickly they grow up - sniff!) and I was wondering if any PETA members had a pet snake, or if they just kept vegetarian pets like bunnies...

phlegmfatale said...

Here's to the carnivores!

FHB said...

Yep, the light of your wisdom burns through the shit cloud again. Good one.

phlegmfatale said...

fhb - Yeah, I thought it was clever in a pithy sort of way.