I have fallen in love with cotton pajama bottoms. It's funny - you guys have really kept that a secret.
I'm going to let you in on a little-known fact about pajamas in their most glorious state. In the morning, I'll get out of bed, look at the computer while I munch my cereal, and then go pull weeds in the garden. Then, covered in sweat and grit, I'll jump in the pool still wearing my pajamas.
It's fun to swim around, to tread water with lovely light fabric trailing about you. It feels better than I could possibly describe. You should all run right out and try it this instant - you'll thank me for it. Maybe the Victorians got it right with those bathing costumes with miles and miles of fabric.
Then again, you don't want to go overboard.
Man, blogger's inability to download my photo is harshing my mellow.
I wanna come pull weeds and swim later!!!!!
Come SEE me, Kimmer, and we WILL swim. We can peel the label off that $100 bottle of tequila I've had for over a year. Not really.
I've been making the most awesome iced tea with lipton regular tea bags and a few earl gray thrown in. Good stuff.
Wild in my old age, aren't I?
Seriously, you need to take a week off and just come and vej out and re-group. Sit by my pool, receive friends here, and I'll fetch you mint juleps or anything else you require. Nice to talk to you today - sorry I didn't call back - will try to call tomorrow.
If you're going to post about yourself swimming in PJs, you've got to post a photo of you doing just that. We won't settle for anything less. I mix ice tea with rum.
"harshing my mellow"
And I ain't saying nothing about hot chicks in swimming pools wearing wet pajamas. Sweet.
Would it work running through the garden hose, as well, do you suppose? Or can I come over and use your pool?
100$ tequila and I've not been invited over? I'm hurt.
mj- it's funny - I don't think even husband has seen me swimming in my pajamas. Until today, only me and the satellite photo people knew. Tee hee. wow - iced tea with rum, hmmm, it's an anti-oxident AND therapeutic.
dick - i finally got that pic to post and forgot to take off the comment. *grin*
barbara - Ya know, not having thousands of gallons of water buoying you up may kill the flowing effect of the cotton. Call me up when you're in Dallas and you can try it out in my pool!
brett - how's about Friday night? We can have something simple. The house is kind of a wreck, but we'll open that tequila mockingbird and see how he sings. Oh, and get in the pool - we must get in the pool, yes? Call husband today and inform him.
Pyjamas I can do. Building a pool in my back garden which is little more than a terraced cliff face, might be a little more difficult.
I s'pose I could just shower in them.
This, I can clearly see, is better than living here. Where fabric and hair stick to you ALL the time, because it never ever ever ever stops raining, except to fog over. The allure of wet anything is dimming for me.
But I love the idea of you swimming in your pajama bottoms. In the sun. (Sun? Sun? It's still up there, right? We have not had a nuclear winter episode and no one told me?)
tickers - Yeah, you could shower in them, but it wouldn't be quite the same effect, I'm thinking. Maybe next time you're on holiday near a beach and don't mind looking like a git, you can trot out into the surf in your 'jammies. Let us know how that turns out.
lj - and here I was envying you the wet climate - at least it's not hot there, right? We get sun coming out our eyeballs here, year around.
I don't know about pajamas, but I'm taking that delightful phrase "harshing my mellow."
I agree with Tickersoid, I may have to settle on a bath in mine as there is no pool in my area - damnit!
lbb - I wish I could claim that as an original, but I'm sure I heard it somewhere, but feel free to bandy it about, dude.
heatherb - well, pajamas in bath would have to feel better than pjs in shower!
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