If you guessed I'm one to bedeck myself with ornaments, you would be correct.
Check out my snazzy new knife with the gold-plated clip. There may be a day when I dash out of my home without the requisite cornucopia of fruit on my head and crapless prosthtetic parrot on my shoulder, but I will not leave home without this knife,
even if I'm in a dress and heels and it must be secreted away betwixt an obliging bit of lingerie and my heart.

Ain't it purty? I'm very proud of it. :)
Verrah nice! But it would never replace my good ol' Swiss Army Executive model... which, like you, I NEVER leave home without. For well over 20 years now.
The nail polish matches. Chicks.
w00t. Nice knife!
...now if we only had sensible knife laws...
what kind of silly state is this where we can't even carry the unofficial State Knife, the Bowie?
Where'd'ja get it? What kind is it? Inquiring minds want to know.
Buck - very handy. I'm using it all the time!
alan - pure coincidence, believe it or not!
Rabbit - Thanks! I quite agree on the Bowie knife thing.
James - It's a CRKT, and was a gift.
Very handy, and cute to boot!
(I bet you could clip it to your boot, for that matter!)
It's a special edition Columbia River Knife and Tool K.I.S.S. series knife, called a Peck Spectra.
Nice, and being a CRKT it is a good knife too!
Christina - what a clever idea!
LawDog - Thank you, Sir!
Old NFO - Best knife I've ever had. :) Cutest, too.
Oh, that IS lovely! Shall I start looking for polychromatic anodized nail polish for you now? It would add so well to the dazzling shock and awe effect when presenting.
Ooh, that's a sweet-lookin' blade!
And our phlegmmy is a righty, no?
Love the effect with the nails-is a great lil sticker!
A new type of bling there, Young lady??
Lin - you get me that polish and I'll be all over it like white on rice. Dazzling, indeed!
Jay G - Sure is! Yeah, am a righty and had to hold the camera with my right hand. :)
kvegas911 - Yeah, they look even better together in person!
Cliff47 - blingy, indeed-- it's very sparkly
Indeed, what all the other folks said.
Having seen it in person, tho, I can attest it is also lightweight. I liked the way it feels in the hand and it's shine.
HollyB - yeah, it's a very pretty thing. Works very well, too. :)
I was once told a word of caution, that sexy dangerous hillbilly girls with big bouffant hairdos sometimes hide knives up in those tresses... and they'll gitchu with 'em!
Jots note to self; Be double dawg sure to *frisk* phlegm BEFORE she enters any event I'm working, lol.
Nice blog, adding you to my recommended list ;)
A woman and her bling;)
So when are we gonna see some decorative grips on the snubbie?
As an interesting aside, in the chemical and gas industry I've been intrenched in for the last half decade or so I have come to know a product we handle that does this to all sorts of metal especially stainless steel. We use a gas, tungsten hexaflouride (WF6), that has a negative vapor pressure at low temperatures. Once heated to ambient temperature it gives off a toxic gas that is colorless and odorless as well. The only way we end up realizing this gas is leaking is that ALL of the metal objects in the area start to develop this wonderful rainbow patina like your little stabby bit here has. Its great that the toxicity of this gas is such that its not Immediately dangerous to life and health and as such is not monitored for, yet I can only wonder with the unquestionable fact that I sure must have inhaled some WF6 during my tenure at ye old rock, chemical, and gas pile what the hell my lungs look like and if they too also possess this awesome rainbow effect...
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