Well, I try telling you people about all the good music (including some in other fair cities) but I can't bloody drag you out and force you to have a good time, so it's my great burden to drag my own happy ass out and have enough fun for the entire lot of us. Lordy, my load is heavy!
You can lead a whore to culture, but you can't make her think.
Anyhoo, in honor of Matt G (who shares my most esteeemed birthdate) here's a couple photos of the They Might Be Giants show at the House of Blues in Dallas. I have to say the seats at Dallas' House of Blues are all good, and it's one of the all-around best concert venues I've ever experienced from both the cheap and expensive seats.
Upcoming shows of note in Dallas include Ruthie Foster (FHB-- why don't you and D come up to Dallas for that one???) at the Granada and Charlie Sexton at the Belmont Hotel. Great blues gigs which I'm betting won't be overly-packed.
*sigh* If only I was in TX, Phlegmmy darlin. I would so go to the show with you.
I can not believe that we missed They Might Be Giants.
Well, you know that I am, oh, just a wee bit out of the loop but who are those floating blue heads on the curtain - is that the Wizard of Oz or Ron L. Hubris in triplicate?
Tom Waits is going to be in Dallas at the Palladium on June 23rd. Go for me, since he isn't coming to Austin, and I have commitments that prevent me from attending any of his Texas shows.
I've got a few of their CDs. Would have loved to see them. never heard of Ruthie Foster. I'll have to look into it. just got tickets to see Joe cocker and Steve Miller in Austin, bee caves.
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