OK, by popular demand, here is my Christmas tree replete with home-grown monster green treeskirt with pink marabou trim. What a mess, eh? At least it makes ME happy. [In case anyone missed it before, this is a recycled discount store gum rack spray painted red & green and donning now its gay apparel - that's recycling!]
We took niece and nephew to see the Nutcracker last night, and they had a good time. Niece is 9 and nephew is 4, and we thought he might not be into it, but he sat and watched with rapt attention. At points I thought he was enjoying it more than niece, who seemed in danger of drifting off occasionally.
Nephew is taking drum lessons, so he likes making noise, and really got into the applause portions of the program, clapping with increasing gusto every time. It was funny.
We left the music hall and drove through downtown on Jackson street, then back up Commerce street making the U around Neiman-Marcus and back down Main street so they could see all the Christmas lights. Frank insisted we listen to The Gorillaz, so we kicked out the jams while digging the Christmas lights. It was too late at that point, but we vowed to come back downtown soon at night and take a carriage ride.
Then we went through Burger Street at about 10:45 and went home, eating our burgers while watching Meerkat Manor. Astonishingly, I was the first to conk out. Sitting in my pimp chair and dozing, husband woke me up to tell me I should go to bed, and I agreed.
I'm making a few more pieces of jewelry, but other than that and a few small things, I have ALL my Christmas shopping yet to do. There has been simply no time in recent weeks and it's been all I could do to keep up with pressing commitments.
Ah the world of procrastination: that's the life for me. At least I don't have to run out and buy a tree every year. And I never have to water it or hoover up pine needles. No muss, no fuss. And no actual tree to get in the way of all my commercial decorations!
Happy Christmas, everybody!
That's the best Christmas tree *ever*. It's even better than the year I hung garland on the pinball machine that was in my living room.
Merry Christmas dear Phlegm!
I love that you dare to be different!
Hi there! Thanks for taking the kids, I know they had a great time. Love the tree, always have. A
I love the gold fish, the dog bone, and the santa... And is it possibly a Campbell Soup can?
You have a wonderful Christmas with your loved ones. (Eve already over here - must get in half a day's work, bake cake and go to a mate's house!)
Dec. 23? You have all your shopping to do? I hope you are taking a large man named Vinnie to push the crowds out of the way, darlin'.
Merry Christmas.
I love your tree. It's cheerful and surprising and unique, much like its owner!
Merry Christmas and please survive the malls.
Merry Christmas, Phlegmmy.
My increasingly manic fear of crowds ensured I got my Christmas shopping done early. I don't know why, but you need to know that. LOL
aw shucks, james - that pinball machine sounds pretty swell, actually. It's not the best ever, really, but it does fit me. Glad you like it.
kelly - Merry Christmas to you, too!
mushy - I'm glad you appreciate my different-ness!
sis - thanks so much for letting me have them - they are always a joy and it seems like the time goes too fast when we are together!
meg - Wow - good eye - and yes, that's a Andy Warhol/Campbell's limited edition ornament from the 100th anniversary year of the Campbell's soup can. Neat, eh? You have a happy holiday, darling!
lj - most of my shopping happened in Nordstrom Rack in Plano, and the line stretched to the back of the store. I should have brought a book. Going back there today, I'll bring a book with me this time.
barbara - thanks honey - I'm not going near a mall, though - I will only darken the doorway of storefront-businesses this year - I normally try to avoid malls anyway - they bore me.
leazwell - *LOL* I love your analysis - it makes it sound so much more elevated than it is.
zelda- merry Christmas to you and your lovely family, zelda. Well done, you! Someday I'll learn and shop early. Someday...
I LOVE that tree!
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