Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Aw, crap!

Apparently some guy bought a warehouse of Michael Jackson family memorabilia, and among the artifacts were hundreds of masters of unreleased Jackson family recordings. Crap. Are we going to have to listen to that stuff, really?

Oh, wait. There's no nudity and pole-dancing, so it'll probably die in AM radio somewhere.



Roscoe said...

Nudity, pole-dancing ... and faux lesbianism.

Jon said...

I say they play the unedited masters over and over for weeks. Let everyone become so sick of the entire mess, legislation is demanded banning the recordings.

Old NFO said...

Glad I don't listen to AM anymore... just sayin...

Buck said...

There's no nudity and pole-dancing...

You don't really know that. Fer sure.

Keads said...

So is it being released on 8-Track? AM radio? I still have some of them, LOL! If Don Cornelius does not introduce it, I am not interested!

NotClauswitz said...

AM radio has music?