I'm sick. Blegh.
Saturday involved lazing on the sofa with teh puppehs.
Praline was ecstatic after Christina and Silver brought puppehs Tucker and Harley to visit. Her tail was a blur, as you see. I love seeing her so happy. Indeed, I was very happy to have the lovely houseguests as well and am looking forward to their next visit.
The gilding on the lily was that Hols and Johnny came over to join the party for dinner on Friday night. It was so lovely, and we had a grand time. Nice to see such dear friends. :)
Wag-o-matic, indeed! Puppehs' whole butts were a-wag, not just tails...too cute!
Silver and I had so much fun, we can't wait to have an encore, especially one where we're not so rushed. Looks like I'll have the 5th of July off...:D
It was our pleasure.
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