Home again.
Chuy is back home. He was still not 100%, but 24 hours on i.v. fluids and antibiotics worked a charm on him and I was able to take him home again.
When I got home from work Wednesday, he'd spewed direer and a frightening amount of blood all over the kitchen floor. I was horrified. I opened the back door to let the pups out and then grabbed a comforter to put over the passenger side of the car, and went back in, and took him swaddled in a big towel to the vet. H
e was so dehydrated that I could feel how much lighter he was since that morning. He was weak, eyes seemed unfocused and I feared he was in shock already. I cried for hours Wednesday night, worried I'd never see him alive again. My eyelids were pink and puffy when I woke up. I was a terrible mess for the last 30 hours or so, but I'm all better now.

Teh puppeh reunion was happy-licky-love-love, and they were such a blur that this was the best photo I took. Their world is back in order with them together again. Miss Praline had been sad and out of sorts with ickle bruvva missing. She seemed bewildered, and that just made it all the sadder. But that's behind us now.
He's going to be okay. The dr. don't know why, said it's either gastroenteritis or something like colitis. It could be something he ate, or some combination of things, or it could be simply that he's got a sensitive digestive tract. In any case, I'm just going to have to be very careful with him and watch how food seems to be affecting him. If this continues to happen, he may have to go on a special diet altogether.
I'm flooded with relief, and my heart is warmed by the many kind words you left here. And when I say "you," yes, I mean you personally. :) Thank you.
Yay and whew!
Oh, I'm glad! Welcome home, Chuy, and please keep your food to yourself -- it worries your mama when you spread it about.
I'm relieved. All I could think of was how devastated I was a year ago when we lost our "Scarecrow" to an inherited disorder. Why "Scarecrow"? My wife named him when she realized how special he was, just like the Scarecrow in "The Wizard of Oz".
Amyway, give him a hug for us. And don't forget to take care of you, too.
woo-HOO! I'm so happy for y'all. :)
Now that is wonderful news, hug the little guy and don't forget to spread the lovies around, too!
Yay for Chuy!! No more funky snacks for you little man!!
Oh you poor thing, that must have all been very horrible for you. I'm glad the little one is now safe and well. I'm sure he will be well from now on.
I'm doing the happy dance extra hard. Yay for healthy puppehs!
I SO relate to the anxiety and worry. I'm also glad things are back to normal. It's GOOD to be home (for Chuy), and to have healthy puppehs once again (for YOU).
Late to the happy party here. So glad the little fur baby is going to be OK.
Gotta love the puppehs!
Glad to hear the good news Phlegmmy...
Welcome home! Please don't worry yo'Mama(and alla her friends)like this again. No more squirrel entrails, okay?
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