She thinks I want that hot dog as badly as she does.


How cute is that? Belly shots soon to follow. She's all wiggly when I flip her over these days, so it's hard to get belly snaps! I'll keep working on it. She's bound to fall asleep again some time.
They grow up so fast!
Cute pup! I can has hotdog? lol
What is her name? She is a sweetie pie and that mean-looking collar is for boys. She is much to delicate for it. LOL
She looks like a Jack Russell terrier or at least a Fox terrier of some kind. I like dogs a lot and this one is a beauty.
She's gotten so big, what are you feeding her? Love the studded collar - very butch.
g bro - before our very eyes!
hammer - she mo debly can has hotdog!!!
abraham lincoln - well, the spiked collar is for business days when she means bidness. She also has a sparkly rhinestone collar. Also, she'll be all growed out of the spiked collar any minute now. :) She's a Jack Russell Terrier and her name is Praline. You see? The spiked collar helps to offset the glucose overload of having a name like Praline. Thank you so much for saying so. I am utterly smitten, and to the point that I think I'm no fit judge of beauty any more. I just think she's gorgeous, and gorgeous every day and every moment.
barbara - it's scary how fast she's growing. I was at the vet last month and she was 2.3 pounds, and now I think she's about 6. Yeah, that's her business collar.
she looks like fun!
breda - she's her mommy's little pocket pistol! :)
She is SSSSOOOOO cute! I see beauty pageants in her future!
SHe is absolutely adorable! I have a silly question - do her markings come in darker as she gets older? I guess I was surprised to see a Jack Russell who is so white.
The hot dog pick really shows off those beautiful brown eyes - how can you resist them!
anonymous - well, she's already taken the beauty and (sorta) poise crowns in my heart, so pageants would be anticlimactic. :P Glad you agree with me, tho!
diane - her spots are pretty dense, intense color, and she'll stay as she is marked. There may be specks on her hide below the hair, but JRTs' hair will remain the color it is when they are born. They are born with pure pink nose and footpads, though, and the color comes in on those later. Glad you like her - I love showing her off - she's a little charmer. Oh, and some JRTs are ALL white. Ideally, they have at least a teeny bit of brown or black, but to be considered good form, a JRT must be at least 51% white. They are a handful, but they are fantastic dogs, if you can handle the energy.
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