I realize this is horribly crass, but for some reason, it delights me to see the word "doodie" on a billboard. This one's for you, Dick! This billboard is right around Cedar Springs & Mckinney, heading toward the Crescent. Had to stop and snap it Wednesday night.
Went to mom&pop's house for dinner Saturday night (yummy!) and niece and nephew were over and being their adorable selves. He's a live wire and has some serious moves that are somewhere between karate and gymnastics, and he likes to play "Heavy Weapon" on popcap games - not bad for being barely 4. She was quiet and sweet and played the piano for us. I was always the most musical in our immediate family, and I gave her my piano a few years back when I abandoned my ambitions as a classical singer, so it's incredibly gratifying to see her excelling at and enjoying music so immensely.
Life is sweet.
whats a Doodie?
Jack FM is XM radio for us cheap bastards.
What's a 'doodie'?
You make me feel so mean-spirited about my Nephew No. 1 (by birth order only); I'm such a crappy aunt. Say, Phlegmy, I went to a book binding workshop this weekend - just the very basic techniques for 4 types of books and a slipcover - this is potentially addictive, so I'm trying to hypnotise myself to weave. But lots of potential of mixing the two. OR, with photography. OR, of using nice beads and tassels to embellish. Yummy!
I haven't been feeling to well this past week. I may have to take a laxative so I won't be Doodie-Free anymore.
Everyone must do their doodie.
Crap humor is always the best. Saw an episode of "Jackass" once when they strapped Johnny Knoxville in a porta potty and then turned it up side down. The guy came out of it slathered in poo, and then took out running after all the guys in the crew, who ran away in a panic. Laughed my ass off, and I usually hate that show.
frobie - you're kidding, right? Y'all don't use "doodie" as a euphemism for turds (poop, shit, poo, excrement, offal, droppings) in England? Wow. Oh, and we also say doo-doo. It's funnier that way, don't you think?
big dick - Yay, cheap bastards - it's a good station!
tickersoid - et tu? See response to frobie above. Wow.
meg - I'm sure you're a great aunt - I just overly-dote on mine, perhaps, but they are my little rays of sunshine, and I'm lucky to live close to the leetle darlings. Wow - you go to the coolest workshops - I need to start doing that sort of thing sometime soon - I have been so stressed-out and over-committed that my "artist dates" (that's what I call my date with myself going to arthouse cinemas to see films or go to museums or farting around to get inspiration) have been condensed down to a 30 minute or 1 hour trip to the local bookstore to buy magazines and music. But yeah, for your embellishments, you may need some of my beads... hmm...
tony - you keep us posted on your gastrointestinal struggle, ok?!
hammer - everyone but tony, who is apparently doodie-bound
fathairybastard - Ew, that sounds disgusting - for some reason, porta-potty humor is frightening to me. eek.
I was thinking about your beads, in fact. A great long-distance collaboration, yeah? The fact is, I've been interested in bookbinding long before weaving, AND my friend organised it, so I had to go, even though until 2 hours before I made up my mind I was thinking of an excuse not to have to go, (I too have overcommitment problems, but not because I over commit, but because I'm slow and sluggish, I think.) Anyway, that finally got me to look beyond the GREAT weaving workshop and get my life back. I don't do artist's dates much any more - at least not weekly like when I was working on AW/JC, but I need to. Mine, like you, is bookshops most of the time, and cards and giftwraps and art supplies, but I've got WAAAAAY too much junk in this house I stopped buying MOST of the time. OK, I'll stop yabbering.
meg - yeah - I love sharing creative energy - it's a good idea. Yeah, I have that same struggle - almost weaseling out of creative gatherings I really shouldn't miss- for me it comes down to laziness generally and a feeling of unworthiness occasionally. I really should be more energetic about it all. I'm on the hook for a big delivery a gallery is waiting for, and I need to light a fire under my own butt. *sigh*
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