Last weekend I had to go to Dallas county to get my infernal emissions test done for my new inspection sticker, my chariot being still registered in that dread county. Having a middling road trip looming in a couple weeks, I took LouLou by Dad's shop for an oil change. I stopped at WalMart and got a 5 quart jug of Mobil 1 in my favorite flavour, a new filter and off I went to get my buggy serviced. Darnitall if I didn't buy a pre-opened jug. Dad's partner told me that he knows a guy who buys the high-dollar motor oil, uses it in his vehicles and then refills the bottles with cheap stuff, returning same to WalMart for a refund on the good stuff.
What a jerk.
Yeah, he shops at that very WalMart.
Oh, but the bright spot of the weekend was the car inspection, which was a breeze for LouLou. I generally dread going for the inspection for the
interminable waits and the general annoyance of the whole thing. This time Dad told me where he goes for his inspections, and I have to say, if you are not shy of West Davis Avenue Oak Cliff, then you oughta get your inspections done at E C Inspection at 2910 W Davis. Square-dealing and no baloney. Nice guy runs it, too-- seems like a really decent person.

And then, when you're done, you can drive down to Sylvan, hang a left and go to Ray's Sporting Goods at Sylvan and Singleton. Two good reasons to go to Oak Cliff.
Just remember to check the cap on that jug of oil you buy. There's schmucks afoot.
Once, I was shoe shopping (a story you can relate to).
I pulled a box from the stack, only to find someone had stolen the oxfords and put their old crotty sneakers in the box, and back in store stock.
Yup... there are some scummy folks out there.
I wouldn't even have thought about that, but now I'll be careful. Just like I wash EVERYTHING before wearing since you don't know if someone wore it around with the tag tucked in and then returned it.
At least it wasn't USED oil... sigh...
"Dad's partner told me that he knows a guy who buys the high-dollar motor oil, uses it in his vehicles and then refills the bottles with cheap stuff, returning same to WalMart for a refund on the good stuff."
People with so little class and decorum amaze me. How can somebody go through life being so no-count?
Guy I know always takes his car in on Fridays approx 15 min prior to closing time. He sets a case of ice cold beer on the hood and waits. His car always passes in record time.
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