well, somewhat finished.
The ceiling throughout the house was beastly acoustic tile, and in some cases was - I dunno! - made out of the same styrofoam as minnow buckets and $2 ice chests from the local stab&grab. You can see the foam tiles in the photo below with the sort of quilted pattern. Yuck! After the ceiling tile came down, then there were layers of masonite just below the shiplap wood ceilings, and decades of fine red dirt billowed as the masonite came down. Then we put up layers of fairly thick plastic to stop more dirt from sifting down from the attic...

Decided beadboard ceiling throughout was the way to go, so this is the bedroom. I did the natural finish Minwax seal on this room, because I think it looks clean and nice. Yes, I actually got on that scaffold and though I didn't do every blasted plank, I started it and put up a fair number of rows of planks. I think it turned out rather well. Plus everything is better with pneumatic tools, yes? *pow!* *pow!* Who knew you could combine a love of shooty goodness with home renovation? Many thanks to Tole for his help and expertise and the generous loan of his scaffold. Also thanks to Mrs. Tole for helping me with the painting of the bedroom. :) Ultimately, this room's walls will be replaced and then I'll invest in a larger, cove-style moulding around the ceiling. For now, though, this is a great improvement.
Anyway, even though there's lots to do throughout the house, I have one neat, freshly done room to wake up in every day. That's very nice. :) The odd thing is that I decided on a color not terribly far from the hue of the previous color, but not quite so canteloupe.
I've great plans for the rest of the place, but it's going to be mainly a question of elbow grease. I'll be posting photos of the painting and such as it comes along.

Looks like quite an undertaking - I have a lot of respect for your determination! Can't wait to see the progression :-)
You need to have a blogmeet and put people to work! Just sayin... :-)
It is looking great! Keep us up to date with new photos. I'm enjoying watching someone else doing renovation. :P
Having recently been a guest in your home I can attest to the beautiful results of all your hard work. Keep up the goodness of your efforts. It's already a charming abode.
Looking great so far! I look forward to seeing you wreak your master plan upon the human ra.... I mean, remodel your home!
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