Lookie here:
Funny the things you run across when you're too busy to take time to look. This is Buddha Hand fruit I saw in the produce section of Kroger at Mockingbird and Greenville on Christmas Eve. It's apparently a citrus fruit. I didn't buy it because you may note the sign in the upper right hand corner of the photo which shows this curiosity to check in at $13.99/pound. I think that was prolly about a 2 pound specimen I was holding. Interesting.
Funny the things you run across when you're too busy to take time to look. This is Buddha Hand fruit I saw in the produce section of Kroger at Mockingbird and Greenville on Christmas Eve. It's apparently a citrus fruit. I didn't buy it because you may note the sign in the upper right hand corner of the photo which shows this curiosity to check in at $13.99/pound. I think that was prolly about a 2 pound specimen I was holding. Interesting.
Christmas Eve I took a nice bubble bath, and Praline got in the tub with me. I have created a monster. As a pup, I wanted her acclimated to the water, so I took her to the lake and she got in swimming pools and such, and she LOVES bath time. Well, last night, she graduated to sticking her whole head - eyeballs and all-- under the water and blowing bubbles. It's hilarious. And a little antithetical of what a bubble bath is meant to achieve, but, whatever...
Now Chuy can't stand it and he has to jump in, too. Next time I plan a bubble bath, I'm putting the puppy shampoo on the edge of the tub, too-- one stop shopping. Better yet, next time I plan a bubble bath, I'm shutting the bathroom door. My mom is already grossed-out that the dogs sleep with me. Hearing that they get into the bath with me will surely induce paroxysms.
Anyhoo - Y'all have a lovely Christmas. :)
Anyhoo - Y'all have a lovely Christmas. :)
What, do you just bite off the fingers?
My pups have never had a bath. Harley will stick his little snout around the shower curtain while I'm showering once in a while, but that's about it! And they sleep under the covers with me, but you might not want to mention that to your Mom...;)
Have a merry, merry Christmas, Phlegmmy! And a fantastic, super, bodacious 2009.
Merry Christmas, Phlegmmy! May your new year be filled with shoes!
Merry Christmas my dear. Hope the year is a continuation of the new found joy.
You're my kind of puppeh person, Phlegmmy! :D That was a laugh out loud moment: picturing you in a bubble bath with the puppehs splashing around like mad. Thanks for the chuckles!
Have a lovely, peaceful, merry Christmas, you three.
merry Christmas, my friend :)
What? You mean everyone doesn't sleep with their dogs? G'wan...
I may have mentioned this before, but TSMP, a German Shepard, a terrier-X, and a Lab-Border Collie cross and I all shared the same bed. For years and years and years. Not the bath, tho, which DID make me grin... and widely.
Christina - I think it's used as flavoring more than anything, as it doesn't have the soft wet pulp of a typical citrus. One of the fingers was broken and it looked dry and fibrous inside, much like a yellow squash.
Praline will GET IN the shower with me, too, but I can usually shoo her out with more efficiency then than I can when two pups alight on my back and caboose when I turn over on my tummy in the tub. Hope your 2009 totally rocks, too, sweetie! You're fabulous!
The Captain - Rich blessings to you in the coming year!
Brigid - Aw, thanks, honey, and the same to you. Glad you're on the mend, sweetheart!
MizMinka - it was water, water everywhere, srsly! Here's to us puppeh people! hope your Christmas is grand, dearest!
Breda - you are an adorable soul and a dear friend. I wish you and Mike the happiest and best of holidays so far! :)
Buck - I know! That's a whole lot of dog for one bed with two pipples. I hope y'all had a king size! Glad you enjoyed the bath story - I would take the phone in to film it, but I know me - I'd drop the phone in the water. :P
That's hilarious about the dogs and the bath. Mine won't go near water, if they have the choice. Kona will tolerate his baths, but if we're at the lake or ocean, he stays away from the water. Reese can't stand it, no matter what.
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