Es schwindelt mir, es brenntMein Eingeweide."I feel dizzy, my guts are burning."Sounds like love to me!;)Dmitri could serenade me any day, his voice is the epitome of creamy goodness.
christina - I KNOW! It's terrible to think of Dmitri suffering, isn't it? Gorgeous voice. Not my most favoritist, but close... Those Germans are so dramatic. But you know all about that, don't you?!!!
My life IS drama.No, not really.;)
Years ago I played it incessantly on the piano. I don't think I have it here now, however. Shall have to remedy that.
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Es schwindelt mir, es brennt
Mein Eingeweide.
"I feel dizzy, my guts are burning."
Sounds like love to me!
Dmitri could serenade me any day, his voice is the epitome of creamy goodness.
christina -
I KNOW! It's terrible to think of Dmitri suffering, isn't it? Gorgeous voice. Not my most favoritist, but close... Those Germans are so dramatic. But you know all about that, don't you?!!!
My life IS drama.
No, not really.
Years ago I played it incessantly on the piano. I don't think I have it here now, however. Shall have to remedy that.
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