True Story from yesterday
Random Lady: OH! Look at how cute you are!
puppeh: *Wag/wiggle/twisty/lookatme!/bend/squirm/squeeeeeeeeeeeeee!*
RL: What's her name?
p: *wiggle*
Me: Praline
RL: OHHH, Praline, that's so cute!
p: *wag-o-matic*
RL: Look! She loves her name!
Me: Actually, I could have named her DooDoo and she would be just as happy.
yes, Ms. Praline seems to be a cute little whirring ball o' squee. =)
Does she have a middle name yet?
That pup is smiling at the camera, it's unmistakable!
What an adorable bundle of destruction/joy!
That puppy is just the cutest thing ever! She belongs in show biz.
DooDoo could be her pen name.
But she IS the cutest thing evah...
Mmm. No frontal lobe at all, but we loves 'em!
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