Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday, Puppy Sunday: dirty girl edition

Jack Russell Terriers by nature look like such neat, tidy little dogs. They are compact, beautifully formed and they look so smart with their white coats with black/tan accents. That's why it's all the more striking that they LOVE to get all dirty. Or rather, they love whatever activity gets them dirty, and are then oblivious to the filth afterward. In fact, when she gets a good scrubbing after a squirrell kill, Miss Praline seems bewildered that someone would be erasing the evidence of the kill. Warpaint. Makeup. Whatever.

I don't know if you can tell, but in this photo, she's just come in from a proper dirt-wallow out back, and was in full-on wag mode. See: happy. :)


Vinogirl said...

Look at that tail!!!

Anonymous said...

My American Hairless Terrier makes a point of avoiding mud and messes, as he learned very quickly that bathtime follows shortly after...

Anonymous said...

We have a wire haired Jack (Parson's) Ryssell Terrorist.
Is a great dog and my youngest son's constant companion and protector.

Good little dog that thinks he is LARGE and afeared of nothing!!