Michael Jackson pixelates self with band-aids, but pops out in relief when he steps out from in front of the blue backgrounds.
Goes shoppin'.
Does not dangle baby Blanket from balcony.
Does not, in fact, own Muzak.
This does not mean he isn't an agent of chaos and doom.
One word should be carved on his headstone:
Britney Spears is he future MJ. She's cut all the sensible people out of her life and surrounds herself with yes-men who use her. She's already hooked on drugs and cosmetic procedures.
And why do I care? Hell if I know.
Jacko the wacko in the news again?
He's such a freak!!!!!
Christina - *nodding vigorously*
debbie does nothing - Astute observation - it's very hard to look away, innit?
lainy - theme of the day-- Freak. It's like shooting squirrels in a barrel, eh?
Ever wonder just what/who freaks out Jacko?
Hadn't thought of him in ages. Thanks a LOT! ;-)
Biggest disappointment of 2007?
Hearing that Michael Jackson had died and then finding out that it was not the freaky one but the Beer Dude.
He makes me feel so normal. You have to give him that.
He's doomed, the poor rich bastard - there is no return.
I think the bandaides are to cover the herpes. But that's just me.
I'm with Barbara on this --- I feel SO normal after seeing his latests stunts.
He should have chosen one of those Groucho Marx glasses w. nose and mustache combos ... and maybe a set of waxed lips.
I could just never trust a guy who wore just one glove and sang "beat it"
Lin (Lin #2)
*LMAO@lin's comment*
All I want for Christmas is for Michael to grow up, and Santa to bring him his right mind back.
We're not responsible for what happens to us.
We are responsible for how we react to it.
I love in the article where it states that the Powers That Be want him to re create the original Thriller video on stage...
I see several stumbling blocks to the plan, not the least of which are the nose, the emaciated cheeks and the change in skin color...and I'm fairly certain that his dancing ability these days is far below that of say...a posse of Filipino inmates?
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