Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday, Puppy Sunday: bath time!

Book? Check.
Nerd Beer? Check.
Fizzy bath stuff? Check.
Devoted friend to stand guard? Check.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


BGMiller said...

From the title I fully expected to see one of the pups very much dampened and giving the most hurt and disappointed look.

And I am jealous of your tub. You just can't get enough water in a "modern" tub for a proper soak. Sigh......


greg said...

I must be VERY careful not to let my wife see that set-up...luckily, I am in an apartment, so she couldn't demand an immediate change, but it would go high on her list of 'wants' when we buy again...

Old NFO said...

LOL- the 'lap' of luxury in use :-)

Anonymous said...

You might be overindulging the dogs a wee bit...
