Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sunday, Puppy Sunday: we must insist that you takeses us seriously. For realz.

Mama made cuppy cakes Friday/Saturday, and some certain little furballs played her heartstrings and she had to share the meringuey frosting. It does stick on those little whiskers with such remarkable efficiency!


Joseph said...

Yeah, Daddy bought a couple of pizzas Sat night, and came back in the room to find 3 chihuahuas feasting. LOL

Gotta love'em.

Jon said...

Chuy has that "after a treat expression". It's as though he's suddenly had the thought that he will never have another treat in his entire life. It's extreme sadness, and hope, wrapped up in one cute expression.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

How could anybody refuse those faces anything?

Old NFO said...

Good pics, and they are cute!

Vinogirl said...

Cute, cute, cute!