Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday, Puppy Sunday: constant companions

Convalescing on the sofa, there's nothing more restorative than sweet, snuggly little furballs.


Old NFO said...

Amazing how they can sense your moods and how you feel isn't it...

Auntie J said...

I hope you're starting to feel better!

I goofed and left my cane at home today when I went to church. So my ankle was aching and complaining when we got home. When I laid down to take a nap, Mika came and snuggled with me, ultimately draping himself over my bad foot. He's the lightweight in the house, requiring a decimal point to get to a two-digit weight, so his slight weight didn't hurt. I love kitty snuggles. (I'm just glad the 18-pound Po isn't our resident "nursemaid" kitty.)

Have a couple more chocolate chip cookies. You'll be right as rain soon!

Vinogirl said...

The puppehs double as therapy dogs? Love it!