Monday, February 21, 2011

Man Names daughter Facebook

Careful there, dude. I heard that PetRock murdered her parents in their sleep when she hit puberty. Add to that the fact that you'd better hope that there little revolution of yours ends up the way you want, else the bad guys may just set an example by putting down your litte girl who committed the double-sin of being born female and having a name redolent of uprising against your oppressors.


Old NFO said...

Oh that is just plain WRONG! Sheesh...

ViolentIndifference said...

You are wrong. It was Slinky Nerf that murdered her parents. It's OK. I make that mistake, too.

DaddyBear said...

When she reaches dating age, would an evening out with her be called "Facetime"?

Anonymous said...

HA! That would be an improvement on some of the names I've seen.

BGMiller said...

Should I make the a joke about the "poke" feature or would that be in bad taste?


Jennifer said...

Why must people insist on saddling their children with ridiculous things like this?

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's spelled "Faicebuk".


Dirk said...

I've often marvelled at what some people name their children. It's like they hate them, or something.

We spent, literally, months coming up with names for our kids. Couldn't be any family name, any relative, any name of an old boyfriend/girlfriend, or any friends. And, it had to be something that a short nickname was possible, if they so chose. And, it had to be at least somewhat difficult for other kids to make fun of.
