...that the White House authorized a cheap stunt which involved an Air Force One 747 flying at low altitude over the Statue of Liberty and other NYC landmarks? The purported purpose of the event was a Department of Defense photo shoot. The comments of witnesses describe hundreds of terrified people streaming from buildings as the jumbo jet made one after another fly-by. Considering the not-too-distant history of the New York skyline and big, commercial airline meesiles, it's scorchingly tacky to have done such a thing without letting the planned event be widely publicized in advance.
I just keep wondering when the MSM will finally wake up and smell the reek of cheapness? It stinks on ice.
...you know, if Bush had been in the White House when this happened, I think the MSM would be all lathered up speculating that El Prez had taken AF1 for a joy-ride. I'll bet that's what happened here. Has anyone thought of pimping a 747 ride, yet? Does anyone know the POTUS' whereabouts at the time of the *aherm* photo opportunity?
I saw this tonight on the news... How brain dead do you have to be!
"Oh, let's fly an airliner over NYC really low for a photo op!"
Again, whe've got a complete idiot in the WH...
"If the pilot's good, see, I mean if he's reeeally sharp, he can barrel that baby in so low... oh you oughta see it sometime. It's a sight. A big plane like a '52... varrrooom! Its jet exhaust... frying chickens in the barnyard!"
Let's see: Spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to do what you could do with a few hundred dollars of software. Add the fear factor of a jumbo jet flying at low altitude in New York City.
The asylum is being run by the patients.
Yep, dumber than a red brick.
I have yet to see a confirmation, but I bet Obama wears really cheap stinky cologne. And a pimp hat.
This is the kind of thing we should learn to expect form the Third World mentality in Washington, D.C.
Well, they voted for him. And ironically, the Obama administration's Clinton-esque fetish for photo-ops is to maintain their support.
I think Biden was at the dentist getting his shoe laces untangled from his bridge work.
Y'know, Photoshop would have been a lot simpler, in hindsight.
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