Friday, October 31, 2008
I love how you can see on Donahue's face that he can't begin to grasp what the absolutely brilliant Milton Friedman is saying. I love the last few seconds when a chuckle of recognition swept the audience as the point was pressed home.
Since when did selfishness become a virtue, Obama? Watch and learn.
Chapter Five
Now we're really going to whizz through a bunch of these fellows, sort of hitting the high spots. Since I found so little material on early also-rans, there weren't lots of ways I could buttress my theory on the toothpick comparison in the beginning. Now, however, that we've entered the age of still photography, my buttress will be flying right on through a swathe of these fellows like a knife through hot buttah, baby. Fasten your seatbelts and make sure your tray is in the upright position. I don't want anyone to spill their post-toasties.
President #17 Andrew Johnson
1865 - 1869
In life there are rules. How not to bomb in the arena of popular favor: 1. Never follow a kid
Johnson earned his toothpick by virtue of sheer curmudgeonliness. AJ was short in stature and short-tempered. A senator for Tennessee when they seceded, Johnson disagreed with them and insisted upon keeping his Senate seat in the Union, where he was the only Southern senator to do so. Perhaps for that reason, Lincoln thought he'd be a diplomatic asset as vice president when it came time to reunify all the states. Not so. Johnson was something of an equal-opportunity offender. Soused at his inauguration as Veep, Johnson gave a speech berating people born to wealth, many of whom were in the audience and quite influential, at that. Mere weeks later, Lincoln died and Johnson could dearly have used the good will of all those folks he'd offended. Live and learn, ya schmuck! Johnson wanted to strike a conciliatory tone with the back-in-the-fold states, but the Northern congressmen had a taste for blood and impeached AJ, who prevailed in his presidency by only one vote. Meh.
President #18 US Grant
1869 - 1877
A bit unkempt - TOOTHPICK! My goodness,
President #25 William McKinley
1897 - 1901
McKinley was in the Ohio Volunteer Infantry and fought at Antietam, which, of course, gives him total toothpick cred, even if he was on the wrong side. As President, McKinley focused hi
President #26 Theodore Roosevelt
1901 - 1909
Walk softly and carry a toothpick.
A sickly child, TR's father insisted he take much exercise for strengthening his bo
*this drawing is a total cheat - quickly running out of steam and utterly out of my lovely legal pad, I had to bre
Thursday, October 30, 2008
This homeowner set up the dog-shocker to his McCain sign after the previous two were stolen. The boy's father claimed he was just "seeing how the sign was put together." Uh, yeah.
If you ask me, it didn't have enough juice running through it, as there should be a wet, brown streak trailing from the boy's pantleg.
But that's just me.
...So where were we? AH! The South was just about to throw a wobbler and it's all fixin' to get really ugly.
President #13 Millard Fillmore
There's no telling what amount of ass-kickery Zachary Taylor would've gotten up to, even if he was a little back-and-forth on the whole slavery question. Since Fillmore was veep, he wasn't elected, but I thought he deserved an obligatory toothpick shot like all the rest. If things were bad for Taylor, they were a hot mess for Fillmore. Tried to straddle the fence with the new territory, letting some be free- and some slave- states, thus pleasing no-one. His urges to the factions to compromise only served to further inflame passions. When the Library of Congress burned in 1851, Fillmore joined the bucket brigade and carried water. Try not to hold against him that my rendering looks like the love child of Donald Trump and Marlon Brando.
President #14 Franklin Pierce
Nicknamed Handsome Frank, Pierce looked good with or without a toothpick. A lawyer, Pierce was warm, outgoing and liked people, and never wanted to be a politician. However, Pierce was unanimously nominated by the Democrats as their presidential candidate. Tragically, his one surviving son was killed in a railroad accident just before he took office, and this plunged the alcoholic Franklin to a permanently in-his-cups state. He was well-meaning and honest, but also considered a weak president. I think this is the saddest thing about this project - seeing these little slices of life that humanize the men who have served in this office. It's easy to imagine that the rigors of the task of the presidency were made more odious by the fresh wound of the loss of a son. Franklin did not support slavery, but did not always oppose it, either. He did manage to buy parts of Arizona and New Mexico from Mexico, two of my favorite states, so his presidency wasn't a total wash. He also tried to buy Cuba from Spain. Drunk shopping: don't do it.
President # 15 James Buchanan
Old Buck was respected as a diplomat and politician, but is commonly thought of as one of the very worst US presidents. Though he doesn't look like it in my rendition, he looked like Anthony Hopkins. Anthony could make him more sympathetic, I'll bet. Buchanan had just arrived from lengthy work overseas in diplomacy, so he was the obvious choice for nominee, not having been embroiled in one side or other of the slavery issue that had been raging back home. I'm thinking just like the previous few presidents, this is a rock-and-a-hard-place job to fill at this moment in American history. The Panic of 1857 contributed to the ill feeling between the North and the South, and by then the Union was a slippery slope on which little footing might be gained. As the Southern states started to secede, Buchanan did nothing to stop them and preserve the Union. I'm thinking incidents like Harper's Ferry and the like had Old Buck graduating the toothpick to the woodblock to bite down on.
President #16 Abraham Lincoln
Planet of the Abes- the unreconstructed
Believe it or not, Abe was the hardest one to draw so far, so I drew Tom Hanks and put the wonky beardy action on. Quite crap, really, but you should see the first 3 rejects
About the thigh thing-- Billy Green, a friend of Lincoln's from the Illinois frontier town of New Salem said this: ''His thighs were as perfect as a human being could be.''
Uh, okay.
But enough about the decorative bits: on to Abe's toothpick quotient. He was born in a 3 sided shack. After that, any thing's possible. Lincoln was immensely talented, and interested in a great many things. His writing and speeches show a benevolent sort of bemused sadness overriding everything. He tried many trades, was a rail splitter, opened a store, and finally managed to become a lawyer, and all of this with only one year of formal education. His parents were illiterate, and when his mother died, his father married another illiterate woman who happened to have a few books, including a bible and some Shakespeare. Most of what Lincoln knew was self-taught, and his abiding intelligence was obviously very complimented by his impeccable instincts, so long as you don't count his choice of theatrical productions. During the war, he managed to find military leaders who would execute the war in the way he felt it should be done. He is said to have cried whenever he received reports of casualties. Before the war, Southerners viewed Lincoln as an enemy because he wasn't sympathetic to their issues. Lincoln, on the other hand, knew the foremost issue was to preserve the union at any cost. Lincoln was assassinated five days after Lee's surrender.
At least, I think I'm right about that. Y'all tell me if you see anything major I goofed on - some of these guys are kind of running together. I only have so much room in my brain for new information, and sometimes, the new stuff pushes the old out the other side.
*This is a compliment to mullets, rather than a slight to the tie. I personally like this tie. I wore one like this in marching band.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Chapter Three
The Awkward Years
Or, rather, my dog is being such a brat that this is an awkward post for me to compose...
President #8 Martin Van Buren 1837 - 1841
Alas, Marty inherited an economy in decline, and underemployed folk turned to the gubmint for help, but he didn't think bolstering these struggling folks was the gubmint's job and he was not elected for a second term on crashing waves of popular enmity. No amount of toothpickliness could save his flagging reputation with teh pipples. He was unsuccessful in two more bids for the presidency, and this because the other candidates looked better with a toothpick, of course. Yes, we are learning, here. When he was Veep under Jackson, MVB presided over the Senate with loaded pistols. I s'pose he didn't take those into the highest office with him. More's the pity. Imagine Van Buren, guns ablazing, all that wild hair-- he may have been re-elected after all.
President #9 William H Harrison 1841, 32 days
It's... just...
What.. well.. oh.
You know when you see photo on a copied paper taped to the register at the kwikmart and you know no one'll ever see that person alive again because they just... look... doomed? Well, WHH was the presidential equivalent of the kid on the milk carton. Made of gone, daddy, gone. Sad. True. He'd enjoyed a distinguished career fighting Indians and was known as Tippecanoe, but even his own bad self was not tough enough to stave off the illness that set in when, during his wet and rainy inauguration, he spoke for three hours without a coat or hat. I re
President # 10 John Tyler 1841 - 1845
...looked teh ossum with a toothpick! He was sort of the Abercrombie model of the first dozen presidents, though I know of no pictures of him in various stages of undress. Work with me here. I'm not the only one with an imagination. Tyler was a proponent of states' rights and continuously addled the Whigs in Congress by vetoing or cancelling the bills they sent him. *FUN* In fact, I like to think of him irritating the powder out of the Whigs as he ruminated, shifting toothpick from one side of his mouth to the other. His preoccupation and success in acquiring the Republic of Texas left him no time to make a successful bid for a second term. After his presidency, Tyler was elected to the Confederate Congress.
11. President #11 James Polk 1845 - 1849
Polk managed to show a lot of grit by saying America ought to go from sea to shining sea, and proceeding to make it so. Perhaps in real life he looked slightly less like the product of an unholy union betwixt Alec Baldwin and Donald Trump. One hopes so, anyway. Polk managed to persuade Britain to sign a treaty with the US for the Oregon territory. Mexico was not so keen on Polk's idea of them selling the US California and New Mexico territories, so Polk waged war on them and took them anyway. That was a dish he may not have picked from his teeth so quickly - for that was one to savour. After these many accomplishments, Polk kept his promise to serve only one term. His last official act as president was to lay the cornerstone for the Washington Monument. He died of cholera later that same year.
12. President #12 Zachary Taylor 1849-1850
What is it about certain former Army guys? ROWR!
Let us review: Soldier = total toothpick material
Taylor was a career army officer and frontiersman and never even voted
So, what have we learned here?
You can look amazing with a toothpick, stomp the mud out of various ethnic groups and acquire lots of land and stuff, but a microscopic bug can still kick your ass, and that bug may look better on a toothpick than the toothpick looks on you.
I know, I know. I promised this post would be exciting, and it is, but not as exciting as I thought it would be. Perhaps I can punch it up tomorrow. Right now, I'm a bit punchy myself. The dogs are going bananas. Tomorrow we'll have some war, and stuff, and it'll get really hairy. Mebbe I can even find for you the name of the man who said Lincoln had the most superb thighs. I know: I wonder what that was about too. I mean, holy crap. What did Mary Todd think of that? Sheesh.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Some have expressed surprise at the elevation here of toothpick to political barometer, but it is indeed a very humble and yet marvelous device on closer examination. Let us consider the lowly toothpick which has been with us as long as the domesticated feline. Paleontologists have found scrapings on the teeth of neanderthals, which would seem to indicate that the dilemma of dislodging chunks of meat and veg from the grille predates such modern fancy grooming niceties as Dippity-Do, eyelash curlers and banana clips.

Toothpicks have been made from every conceivable material. The earliest were probably thorns as I described, or other such, and over time, people forged metal into toothpicks. During the eighteenth century, jewel-inlaid metal toothpicks were the fashion. Even the first multi-tool most people acquire, the Swiss Army Knife, features a toothpick. Basic!
When contemplating political choices, is it not a good thing to see how considerate the candidates are, how they take a bit of care to remove disctractions which would pull focus from the real discussion? I think so. Thus does the toothpick indicate a level of social grace and conscientiousness. I'll tell you when we get to the president who is the embodiment of the Toothpick Principle, but you'll have to wait like good boys and girls...
Moving right along...
President #6 John Quincy Adams 1825-1829
Now, this is another one of those hairballs, and at this point let me mention how sick I am of drawing those poncey, fussy collars, so JQA gets to be a floating head. Sheesh. I'm feeling all frisky over the thought of a Roughrider gitup, though, so I suppose I have that to look forward to. ANYhoo...You can see from this expertly rendered portrait that JQA doesn't seem as at home with a toothpick as we know his opponent Andrew Jackson would have been, and that's entirely fitting: John Quincy Adams was technically not elected. Andrew Jackson actually won the popular vote, but Adams and his family had a great history in diplomacy and the highest office of the nation, so Henry Clay led the electoral college to opt in favor of JQA. JQA made Clay his Secretary of State. Cronies, much? Love the chrome-dome, by the way, and he looks a little intense. I'm thinking Ralph Fiennes for the Lifetime movie event. Loved the nose, though. Nice nose on that man. You may have have noticed all the noses I draw look kind of alike, but that's mebbe because I can't draw and stuff.
President # 7 Andrew Jackson 1829-1837 Old Hickory
Total toothpick guy even though this is my worst drawing so far. At one time or another, I'm sure someone has hewn a very effective toothpick from hickory. AJ had an impressive head of hair which I had no hope of replicating, and this turned out a little Elvis/Liberace, er, sumthing. Here he is portrayed by Gabriel Byrne, as you can see, and he was a pretty handsome guy, in addition to being a badass. We love badasses, don't we, ladies? After the stinging defeat of the previous election, a very determined Jackson won the office in a landslide victory. He was the first poor-born US president, born to immigrant parents, and though he became immensely wealthy, he never forgot his humble beginnings. He was a duelling dude, and stared down the barrel of a gun more than once over slights or insults, which he never took lying down. He went to his grave wishing he'd killed Henry Clay. I have to say I personally adore Jackson for allowing the national bank's charter to lapse. He felt a national bank would be used to benefit the wealthy and powerful at the expense of the common man. I heartily agree. Jackson said "It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their own selfish purposes." Nothing new under the sun, I suppose.
Coming up tomorrow: Martin Van Buren's Wild Hairs! More poncey collars! Presidents you never knew we had! It'll be ossum, possum! All the cool kids will be here.
Monday, October 27, 2008
If you can fog a mirror, you must have noticed we are again in the throes of a hotly contested presidential race in the USA. By virtually every avenue of media, we are bombarded with information of this season's candidates ranging from their plans and policies to the frivolous minutiae of whether next season will favor lower or higher hemlines and what's their favorite color.
For a bit more than half my life, I have been a registered voter and have followed with interest the previous six major elections. During those 24 years, I have noticed the media play human interest stories predicting the top dog may be divined by which candidate is taller or which has a greater preponderance of blue blood in their ancestry, or various other equally scientific methods.
I have made my own observations and have reached a startling conclusion with regards to the winner of the presidential race: the winning candidate will be the one who looks most natural with a toothpick sticking out of his mouth, hence The Toothpick Test. I know it sounds nutty, but just bear with me. Over the next week, I'll be posting some illustrations and facts to buttress my postulate. I'm certain I'm right about this and next Monday I'll predict who the winner will be of the 2008 presidential election, of that I am certain. Well, pretty certain. I think. Kinda. Sorta.
President #1 George Washington, unopposed
I love the story that he had wooden teeth. Alas, that story is untrue - for he had dentures carved of rhino ivory and apparently he didn't often smile due to the discomfort. But it would have been a toothsome irony if they'd been carved, say, of applewood, yeah? Fortunately, George was a brilliant man who was not one to let denture discomfort distract him from the business of establishing this democracy in such a way that it be perpetuated and safe from turning into yet another monarchy or some other yucky-archy. He set up his cabinet of advisors which is an executive branch tradition to this day. Plus he was a military guy, and military guys look good with a toothpick. S'true.
President #2 John Adams 1797-1801 Ran against Thomas Jefferson
President #3 Thomas Jefferson 1801 - 1809 Ran against Aaron Burr in 1801, and George Clinton of Parliament Funkadelic in 1805, each serving as his Veep
Speaking of the buffet, the buffet became the rage in Europe in the eighteenth century, and Jefferson had spent a lot of time in France, and some have suggested he introduced the practice to American society upon his return. Buffet = total toothpick. You know how back in the day when a conscious patient was having a slug dug out or a limb amputated and they'd give him a piece of wood to bite down on? Well, the toothpick thing also stands up here because TJ needed the buffer between his pearly whites after four years of gritting them puppies as Adams' Veep. By that time, Jefferson looked way more natural with a toothpick than did Adams. Adams was so steamed by TJ's election, he left town the night before the inauguration. Incidentally, after their lifelong feud, TJ and Adams died on the same day (July 4, 1826, 50 years after the signing of the Constitution). Adams last words were "Jefferson is still alive" and he did not know TJ had died earlier the same day. Jefferson sold his collection of books to the US Congress for money to pay his debts off, and this became the foundation of the Library of Congress. [I wonder if they'd buy my old Nancy Drew books so I could pay off my shoe bill?] Jefferson was a fascinating person, but we should give him his propers for being a very smart shopper, what with him picking up Napoleon's fire-sale castoffs in the form of one Louisiana Purchase. Way to go, TJ. We love a bargain. But we'd like to sell NOLA back to the French. I'm sure we can come to some sort of arrangement.
President #4 James Madison 1809-1817 Veep John Adams
James was a brilliant man, a master of languages, and lived a long life despite poor health. He stood just 5'4" and never broke 100 pounds. Think horse jockey. What could look more natural than a jockey with a toothpick in his mouth? We love Madison because he came up with a lot of the ideas behind the US Constitution. James probably felt a little cocky, too, because he landed such a fabulous catch in the form of one Dolley, who is widely regarded as one of the most charming and admired of all US First Ladies. Dolley's cupcakes were very popular in school lunches when I was a kid.
This concludes the first gripping installment of my Toothpick Test series. I hope you were as entertained as I was by compiling this information. This is intended as a light-hearted sashay through the history of presidential elections. Every moment in the life of a democracy is an important one, and we never can afford the luxury of inattention to the pressing questions of the day. Still, it is comforting to know that even the very brilliant men who founded this great nation had at times violent differences of opinion. If they moved forward and pressed on in spite of those differences, then perhaps we can today, as well. Whoever wins the election a week from tomorrow night, when the sun rises on Wednesday, we still all will be Americans. I think that's a pretty amazing place to start.
Sunday, October 26, 2008

Gosh, I'm so flattered, truly I am!
The lovely and talented Breda has nominated me for a Superior Scribbler award. Now I get to pass this distinction along to 5 other bloggers and also post the rules* and their link at the bottom, as I have done. There are so many great reads on my blogroll, so this is tough for me. I love you all, my darlings, but I must choose 5, so here goes, in no particular order:
Peter at Bayou Renaissance Man is a superb technical writer. Featuring posts which are fact-rich and educational, his Weekend Wings series is a must-read for any aviation entoosiast. A more charming, elegant and gracious gentleman could not be found, but he also holds the distinction of having once posted an Australian mock-commercial from which I learnt of the existence of tag-nuts. My life will never be the same!
Ambulance Driver treats his audience to a rollicking ride-along in his exploits as a provider of emergency medical services. His posts are often side-splitting, often touching and never dull.
Barbara the Bad Tempered Zombie is among the most wonderful Canadians evah - I like her better even than William Shatner, and that's saying something. She's a fellow music enthusiast and writes on that topic more than any other. In fact, she's about to be a feature writer for a dead-tree format music publication, I think, and deservedly so. Rock on, Barbara!
Brigid's blog Mausers and Muffins has made me a better cook. Her posts are contemplative and as soul-nourishing as the repasts she documents there, full of poetry and absolutely stunning photography. You should try some of her recipes, which she often posts in the corresponding comment section of the post on which the photo appears. Yummy food, yummy reading.
...and finally, the erudite gentleman whose blog is The LawDog Files. In an age of hurried, crass communications, LawDog writes with style, elegance and wit which calls to mind the brilliant, genteel grace of Monsieurs Clemens and Bierce of a couple centuries back, making him one of my favorite reads. He does not update daily, nor does he throw up posts with madcap abandon like certain shoe-obsessed people I could name**, but when a new post appears on The LawDog Files, you may be assured it will be well-considered and researched as well as a delight to read.

Thanks to the lovely gentleman reader for bringing The Devil's Panties to my attention. Why didn't I think of that? I lurves it!
Saturday, October 25, 2008

When I was a kid, I never got a Hippity Hop. Cruelly denied by my captors, my life has been a search for zat certain somesing. Despite this deprivation, I've never been incarcerated. Now I am sitting at the computer on a yoga ball, listening to Buena Vista Social Club, my Hippity-Hop void has been filled and I am complete.
Friday, October 24, 2008

[update friday night - looks like that didn't happen, after all, showing that even excepting west Pennsylvania racist rednecks, there's plenty of low-class to go around. I do, however, stand by the statement about consorting with thugs.]
If my apartment gets trashed after the election by rioters, will FEMA hook me up? Just wondering....
Here's a great article by Thomas Sowell entitled "Do Facts Matter?"
I have to say this evening that I'm feeling a little disheartened. Earlier this week I had occasion to see a friend and former neighbor who has always prided himself on being a conservative black republican. I asked him if he was as sick of election season as I am, and he said "I'm doing my own thing, tuning it out. I was going to vote for McCain, but then he picked Palin and she won't quit running her mouth, so now I'm going to have to vote for Obama." I wanted to say that I was happy to hear he wasn't voting for Obama for some lame reason.
I scraped my jaw off the floor and said "I like Sarah" and he said "she's hot, but she's not saying anything."
I just couldn't even begin to argue with him. I mean, how does one span the gulf between espousing conservative Republican ideology to justify voting for Obama? If I morally couldn't vote for one candidate, I'd seek out the candidate who best represented my views, rather than the person who SHOULD have gotten my vote. I'm not accusing anyone of anything, but I think Palin is just an excuse for him, and not the real reason he's voting for B.O.
We are cursed to live in interesting times, it would appear.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Really? I have to give a 60 day notice where I live now. Can't you work with me on that?
That means I have it sitting empty and getting no rent for an additional 30 days. No, I can't be flexible about that. It's our policy only to hold for 30 days.
Aw, come on, now, phlegm, you're breaking my back here. Can't you work with me on that?
[That was the tipping point, by the way. Mama doesn't like you anymore and wants you to live somewhere else.]
saccharine mode: Aw, dude, I wish I could! But it's supply and demand, man! Other apartments are happy if they stay over 90%. Mine rarely dip below 97%. It's not me- it's the marketplace. People want to live here, and I can't have a place sitting empty and rent-free for one person while someone else wants to rent it. Gosh, I'm sorry it won't work for you. I think you would have liked living here.
As he was leaving, he gave me his business card. I can tell a lawyer or a doctor when I meet one. Knew this guy was in sales. I wonder how he responds when someone tells him he is breaking their [insert anatomy bit here]?
The funny thing is how often I hear that our community is really special and that our staff are not like the weird sales-bots one meets in other Dallas apartments. Just because I start every encounter as sweetness and light doesn't mean I can't end it as Supreme Goddess Queen OOber Bitch, sonny. Just don't make me go there.
Uh, is there any remote possibility that the whole climate change action is in some small way responsible for manipulating the marketplace? I think so, and if that is the case, then keeping the heat on the climate change action is at least in part responsible for the current economic downturn. How can it not be? The kook fringe at the Greensane Cabal Headquarters are hell-for-leather to punish and impoverish industry and the kind of forward-thinking capitalism which has been the rising tide that has raised all boats. And just like Peta who kill way more animals than they save(yes, even housepets!), improving the planet is not at the root of their movement - it's merely a clever part of the power-grab.
The same folks who bitch about our over-use of plastics and wasting water are utterly ignoring that this same economy in which there is flagrant waste is also the economy that has sent countless billions in medical aid and famine relief around the globe, with no hope or expectation of being treated in kind. The generosity of the nations of the west is unparalleled in the history of humankind. Untold millions are alive today because capitalistic societies allowed folks to flourish and to make a little extra that they might give a little more to help others.
I think now that we've seen how effectively the socialists hobble democracy, it's time we break our shackles and free ourselves from the mooring of moronic and failed European Marxist policies and get on with the business of making the world better for everyone who would be free, whether the Europeans like it or not.
Remember: misery loves company. There are many beauties and distinctive delights in Europe and her peoples, but that doesn't mean they know shit from shinola. They want us to be as miserable as they are. Keep in mind that in Paris, there are neighborhoods of foreign nationals where the French police dare not go, for fear of death. It's not all happy families over there. They've got a mess on their hands and we want no part of that magic.
We had to leave there once, remember? We left for a reason.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Me: I'd drive around downtown paying particular attention to older buildings which have been converted. There's one I've particularly heard has excellent prices on lofts with private rooftop decks. It's on Houston Street across from the School Book Supposito-"
Yeah. In jest I have said "School Book Suppository" so many times that I can't say "School Book Depository" when I want to. Is this a form of Tourette's?
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney says that the Federal gubmint executed about 5000 prisoners and dumped their bodies in the swamps of Louisiana during Katrina.
Goodness knows we've more than 5,000 dirtbags that want serious executin' in our federal pens. I've also no doubt that many a festering clump of human debris found theysef dead up in the swamps of NOLA, but, rilly? Mass execution of prisoners? Please.
And all this time I thought the Green Party was a bunch of kooks.
Silly me.
h/t to the immaculate Rabbit, who still refused to blog his ownself...
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I'd seen Penelope Cruz in films and thought she was really good. I actually really liked of Woman On Top, because it seemed a whimsical nod to the whole magical realism thing that I like so much about South American literature. My major dislike of the film came into how it was edited for cable and for the dvd release to be more muted and politically correct.
Anyhoo, in Sin noticias de Dios, an angel and a demon are battling for the soul of a boxer. I could tell you what I like about the film, about the big twist that comes later, but that would ruin the surprise. Suffice to say this was the moment I realized I ADORE Penelope Cruz as an actor, and I want to see more of her.
Also check out the divine Pedro Almodovar's Volver, another Spanish comedy starring Cruz. Great stuff. She's gorgeous to watch and actually seems to have a brain which touches her spinal cord.
Hey, mi video screen es tu video screen, baby.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sweater - $352
Manky designer tee - $220
Botulism slide miniskirt - $429
Money's obviously a curse.
They mentioned looking for days and days to find the big cats, about how they are so territorial and all, and that made me think of safaris. The Jouberts are major experts in the field and have been researching their subject for 28 years. If they take 10 days to find the big cats just to photograph, what would be the odds of the guided tours with hunting licenses tracking them down in the few days the dry cleaner from Des Moines has to hunt big game in Africa? What would you bet that a lot of safari companies have staff just around the next clump of trees springing big game from cages to guarantee a clear shot for a kill for their paying guests? I mean, considering how territorial they are and all, it seems the only way a tour host could guarantee the big game would make an appearance would be to cause it to appear, don't you think?
Yeah, it sounds crappy, but it's human nature to take the easy way out, innit?
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
When I was about 14, a boy asked me to a banquet, and he came to our house to visit. Mom and Dad went somewhere, but left the 5 year old home with me and the boy as chaperone. She climbed on his lap and grinned like a possum, then she proceeded to fart a blue streak. We went to the banquet, but I never went anywhere with that boy again. I quickly concluded Sis was right to have farted on his lap. Pearls before swine, and all that.
We all doted on her and spoiled her, but somewhere along the way, I found my little sister was my best friend. I love her more than I could ever express, and she will always be one of the best people on earth, to me.
I love you, Sis. Stay gassy!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Good googly moogly!
Sunday, October 12, 2008

Saturday, October 11, 2008
A very close friend of my family, M, has a sister. Some years back, M's sister had a roommate who was murdered in their apartment by a serial killer. M's sister and another relative gave testimony which was instrumental in the serial killer finally being put permanently on ice.
Not too long ago, a major publication did a series of articles on this killer and his victims, and how the case came to be solved. The series included graphic photographs of the crime scenes, including the blood-spattered living room of M's sister and her roommate. But something was oddly off-putting about that photograph beyond just the obvious hideousness of the aftermath of a murder. M looked at the photograph again, and realized that the entertainment center cabinet her sister had given her (and which she still was using) had been there in the room for the big ugly event, and was there in the photo, all jellied up.
No word on whether she still uses that entertainment center or not.
Friday, October 10, 2008

The 1961 Ann-Margret film State Fair was filmed at Fair Park. This is the only pre-1950 US fairground still completely intact, still having its original marbles. I think you can clicky the pictures to embiggenate.
I may go back to the State Fair one day next week. I didn't make it into the food building, so I didn't get to see the butter sculpture. It's always fun to see the creative arts building, too, because it has all the fiber arts prizewinners, including lots of fabulous quilts and sculptures and things by little kids. Fun stuff.
Oh, I never told you, but the boy dog is named Chuy. That's pronounced like chewy. Sorry, but I don't watch tv so I won't be bothered by thoughts of Chelsea Handler's sidekick, so I'll thank you not to bring him up. Chuy's seeming to me like he'll be considerably smaller than Praline. I should have named him Sawed-Off, which could tastily double for sod-off.
At lunch yesterday, I came home and sat in the yard with the pups as they lolled about in the sunshine and wallowed in the dirt. It was really cute. I was not quite ready, though, for the 11 week old boy to start humping his sissy. Wow. Having a boy dog is going to be interesting.
If I had Praline to name over again, her name would be Ginsu Girlie, she of the razor tooth. I call her Ginsu anyway. It's her first nickname. They're settling into a nice play style with each other, which is a relief. I worried she'd always be too rough on him, but he's really holding his own. He's picking lots of fights, too, so I think he's digging it. I leave their kennel doors open so they can go take naps when they like. I came into the living room a couple days ago, and she was asleep in his kennel, and he was asleep in hers. Sweet!