The weekend was most productively spent.
I got another bedroom cleared away and now it's ready for cleaning and painting. Within the week, I may possibly be moved into my new bedroom. Meantime, I'll be putting an extra shelf in the closet, cleaning and conditioning the very nice hardwood floor, layering all walls and ceiling in Kilz2, and then painting same. Then there will be new mini blinds. It's going to be very nice. I'll post some photos this weekend. :)
What is it about fresh paint that bugs--particularly moths-- find so irresistible? I feel sorry for the little fellows, even though they are pesky. Now the mosquitoes, well, I just laugh at them. Haw!
As I was shifting boxes about, I saw this very pretty spider. With leg span and all, it was about 3/4". I generally love spiders and am loath to kill same, but this one was in the house, of indeterminate species (to me) and I decided to err on the side of caution. After the flash went off, it started booking it across the box top where it had been perched. Thank goodness for latex gloves-- I squashed it with my thumb with a pang of regret. It's certainly exotic, isn't it? Anyone have an ideer what this is?
Addendum: Uh, this is a male or a juvenile black widow. er, it was. Crap. That means there's probably a momma around here some place. I'm so bug-bombing the house this week. Ew.
Momma probably has an abdomen the size of a grape, and living under the sofa. Bad news to say the least.
KILL IT! KILLIT! KILLIT! Had an unfortunate incident with a brown recluse once...never again.
Tangled webs that look abandoned. Just a corner of random lines. Light silk egg sack. Bug bombs may or may not be lethal to arachnids.
Agree with Robert... keep an eye out...
Spiders and me just don't mix!
Spiders. Eeeewwww!! I'm an ex paramedic and don't have a problem with snakes...but spiders give me the creeps.
They are as prolific as roaches. If you see one, you have many. You're likly never to be free of them. The one you off'd was a juvenile female. Good luck.
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