My fishing buddy bought me this 7' rod&reel combo. Called Femme Fatale by Okuma, it's super-cute and pink in all the right places.
I squee'd my pants. I'm going to look very cute catching or not catching fish. Full fishing report to follow.
so now, since I'm obvs cheap, I got Sentry Pro XFC for de pups. Big mistake. I will be up all night. I think they will live, but they are VERY sick. Thank God for the Childrens Benedryl in that package of pet meds u gave me. I will NEVER use an otc pet med again. Researching this product online now that i'm watching the freak show(twitching, pacing, whimpering, swollen puffy ears? wtf, etc) is horrifying. Why is this product still available? I wish I had gone to law school. Never let anyone you know use this crap!!
White House Suggests Health Care Cost Isn't New Money
Progressive eras also rise from a reaction against the excesses of conservatism, which in this case is the national rejection of the overreaching of the Bush administration.
There is also unity on messaging, starting with reassuring Americans that they can keep the insurance they have if they like it. This is the best response to the opposition’s entire message, which is to scare the public about reform. The other weakness that opponents have in their message about “government-run health care” delays and denial of care is that there’s hardly anyone in America, including people with good insurance, who don’t believe that the private insurance industry is delaying and denying people care every day while driving health care costs through the roof.
[emphasis mine]
Him: Are you going to let this plant take over your office?
Me: I think it looks fine but if you want me to trim it, I will. Do you want me to trim it back?
Him: No. I want you to trim it when you want to trim it.
Me: I don't mind. If you want it cut back now, we'll cut it.
Him: No. Just don't let it take over your office.
Me: Just let me know when you want us to cut it.