At the recent fancy-dress wedding of Little Britain star Matt Lucas, Courtney Love appeared as the Queen of Hearts. WTF is going on with that implant? Ladies - if you're going to corset up, best to do a dry run when fitting and make sure your lady bits don't get so squoze up so much that other guests can read "Dow-Corning" and the serial number off your prosthetics, m'kay? Ew. It kinda looks like a little butt on there or sumpthin. It's a pity, because otherwise, I think this is about the best and healthiest I've seen her in a photograph, even looking semi-trashed.
Jeez. How unsexy.
That's what I thought.
I dunno, maybe after 90 days at sea. But even then I'd have to be drunk, drunk, drunk.
Look out! It's getting away!
myron - well, it's nice to know that you could fight through it!
tam - yup! That one's running for the barn.
That looks downright painful!
She has a serious case of "man hands."
barbara - well, it ain't pretty, that's for sure! Yeah, I wouldn't want the ladies all squoze up like that - I'd worry about cutting off my cirulation. Then again, not being orignal manufacturer equipment, those don't have a lot of circulation going through them anyway...
dick - ew. I never noticed. You know, that makes it even creepier, considering what a tiny little waif Kurt Cobain was. Ew.
Courtney like putting her boobs in weird places. Just about every picture I've seen of her has her mammy bits flopping about.
For a second I thought you called her the "queen of tarts" which would be very appropriate.
This photo must be pre-Dow Corning. Clickie clickie Google is your friend.
hammer - I guess so. See the link myron so thoughtfully provided! Yup, tartish, indeed.
myron- *L* I guess so! Classy.
Holy Crap! It give a whole new meaning to double-breasted.
Ugh it hurts me!
I feel so...embarrassed. Without reading, and only glancing quickly, I thought it was a picture of the Divine Ms. Bette Midler.
I feel horrible.
Squoze up is right! I thought at first it was her knee caught up in her top!
I was wondering how she was walking.
Yea, ouch, and is that a bad face lift too? Or botox? Eeeew. Used and shunted to the side, almost like one of the tarts from Deadwood.
At least if she's pushed into a large body of water, chances are she won't drown.
Hey, gotta have something to believe in!
What in the hell happened to those -- they are just downright scary to look at. And the thing is that she wasnt' exactly small-chested in the first place.
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