Sunday, January 26, 2025

Raconteur Press did it again: "From the Brim to the Dregs"

 While I've been so absentee on the blog for some time, I've been busy with Raconteur Press, where we've been publishing anthologies that hearken to the early tradition of pulp fiction, particularly of the sci-fi fantasy variety. Holy cow, we've published quite a few, including Space Cowboys, Space Marines, Moggies in Space, and many fun variations on sundry themes.  I'll post updates here to keep you up to speed on what we're up to. 

Our latest volume, From the Brim to the Dregs is sizzling hot over at Amazon. From the post over at the Rac Press substack, I purloined this wonderful description: 

Drinks! Since humanity first began, we have been experimenting with beverages beyond simple water. Fermenting fruit, milk from various mammals, mashing berries...and later experimenting with getting desired effects by mixing together in different ways; potions concocted to evoke certain feelings, heal an ailment, erase memories, or inspire strong emotions. Across many cultures & oceans we find different myths of fountains of youth, elixirs of life, amrita, blessed mead, holy ale, love potions, sanctified wines, & potent poisons. 

Come! Drink from a cup of stories varied! Dare to follow these epic quests, potions with unintended consequences, ales holy, wine deadly, and adventure!

Tell me, friend, will you drink?

Good stuff! Let me know what you think!

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