Wednesday, October 24, 2012

crocheting my balls off

Did I mention I'm crocheting some?  I'm using the time while I listen to audio recordings of my professor to do some pretty simple crochet.  This is just repetitive expanding rows, so it's easy-peasey, but this particular floss works up beautifully.  It's a variegated color by Yarn Bee and I've been getting it at Hobby Lobby.  This color is Kathmandu.  Plus: sequins!

Ooooh!  Sparkly!

This is going to be a shawl and I think I'm making it for myself, because I really messed a part of it up and I couldn't expect someone else to wear that on their back, now, could I?


drjim said...


You made me spit my soda all over.....

Old NFO said...

Throw a few greens in there, and you've got Camo! :-)

Vinogirl said...

You are so multi-talented.

Le Conteur said...

That is absolutely beeutifuullll! The colors are intense and I am envious of anyone who can make needles do that!

Le Conteur