Sunday, May 31, 2009

Um, okay...

If someone has powers of reasoning profound enough to be considered for the most important and long-term judicial appointments in our government, shouldn't they have been smart enough all along not to make blatantly racist statements? Should the POTUS who nominated said bench candidate have to put words in her mouth that he's sure she'd re-word what she said previously? If the candidate was a valid choice to begin with, wouldn't she be capable of speaking for herself?

A judge who has had 4 of 5 of their rulings reversed by higher courts is a terrifying choice for Supreme Court. More terrifying even than the horrors of who is in office for a 4-year term.

Where are we going and why are we in this handbasket?


Cliff47 said...

Concur on the handbasket, not sure of destination. Got the feeling early on that our fearless leader is not doing things in the best interest of the country, no matter what he says.

Have we seen a country blindly follow a charismatic speaker to its end previously in world history? Think early 1930's.

I have a bad feeling about this administration.

Anonymous said...

Hitler, Idi Amin, Nasser....

Old NFO said...

Bad feeling is right... sigh...

Zelda said...

Obama is hilarious. She'd have to reword a 6-7 page speech, the entire thesis of which, was that her ethnicity could help her reach better conclusions than others of a different ethnicity. She's a ridiculous woman.

Zdogk9 said...

What can you expect form someone who's "mentor and spiritual adviser" became "this is not the man I thought I knew"

Catmoves said...

If Sonia Sotomayor (gad, what a name to conjure with) had said that a female Hispanic judge would often reach a better decision than a black male judge wouldn't the walls be ringing with objection? But she can smile (I think that's a smile) and BO will do her apologies for her.
Why? Because this female will be waiting to stab American gun owners in the back once she's on that life time job. Stock up now, folks.