Friday, November 28, 2008

Creaky, stultified and however remote, one remembers dancing and one remembers having a reason to dance...

She can read: she's bad. Oh, she's bad.


alan said...

Wow, is that a fuzzy sweater? I remember those.

phlegmfatale said...

Yeah, alan- totally hawt, innit? :P

Dr. StrangeGun said...

Heh, I', not as out of touch as I thought. 3-4 bars in and I had it nailed as Interpol.

But then, they've got an incredibly unique sound so...

phlegmfatale said...

Dr. StrangeGun - you're one hep cat, dude! They do have a unique sound, and I love that the slightly off-pitch drone of the singer's crooning. Good stuff.