
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Christmas I was 6, I got my first record player. It was white and orange plastic and fully portable. The 45rpm record I got with it was Rubber Ducky, which remains one of my favorite songs. Yeah, it's silly, but it's sweet. What's not to like? If this doesn't make you grin, something's wrong with you.


  1. Waaah! I had a rubber ducky, but it sank! I want a Gyrobot!

  2. I never had a rubber ducky, but I loved the song when Ernie sang it on Sesame Street, back in the dark ages when I was a kid! :) Thanks for bringing back good memories. *squeak squeak*

    (My favorite Sesame Street song was "Inch Worm.")

  3. aww.. that is cute!

    Guy's got a darn nice voice, to boot!

  4. Phew! What a relief! Apparently nothing's wrong with me...


  5. I too am only familiar with the Sesame Street version. This one was pretty darn cute, though, too!
