
Monday, October 13, 2008

The author of this Glasgow daily photo blog laments the notoriously unhealthy Scottish diet, giving the photo example of Herpes Soup.

Good googly moogly!


  1. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Thanks for the link. I had to do several double takes when I saw it, and even now I look at the picture and think "I didn't really see that, surely?"

  2. As long as they keep the deep-fried Mars bars out of it, we should be okay.

  3. Jackie - You're welcome - i got a giggle out of imagining the prankster who altered their sign. Brat!

    barbara - Hey now, don't be hating on the deep-fried foods! The chicken fried bacon at the State Fair of Texas was glorious! Then again, I wouldn't like a Mars bar in ANY state. Ew.
