
Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The ever-brilliant Tam over at View From the Porch had a succint nail-on-the-head post on the folly of ignoring the oil reserves in ANWR. You should click here and read it and read the interesting follow-up comments, particularly from one person who has been to ANWR and conducted 10 years of research in that region. If you think drilling in ANWR would be tragic for this nation, the world and the environment, you need to back away from the Kool-Aid table, my friend, because someone has been lying to you.

Anyway, in the comments, Erik links to a couple pictures - one from MSNBC that was purported to be ANWR, and links to a National Review Online article that show photos of what, in fact, this coastal wetland actually DOES look like. For the sake of argument, the NRO article also includes photos of what a pipeline looks like in a similar area which you can see here.

All those who commented say it better than I, but in a nutshell, they say that unlike the verdant rolling grasslands populated by buffalo from the propaganda campaign, this area is in fact a mosquito-infested vista of desolation. Winters are too cold and dark for trees to live there, and the journalist from NRO said the nearby mountains resemble piles of gravel. Apparently the earth there is so oil-rich that there are huge ponds of crude oil just sitting around, and the person who did the 10 year ANWR study said if we drill, the environment will be cleaner. Seems to me just leaving this crude everywhere would serve to kill whatever tiny bit of wildlife would otherwise be in the region.

Tam's point was that given the tension in regions of other major oil reserves in the world and/or their lunatic despot leaders, it is inevitable that we will have to dip into ANWR, and which seems a more sensible approach - finally caving and drilling in a panic after our economy is in the crapper, or a well-reasoned, calm and careful approach now while we are not desperate for oil?

I'm in.


  1. Anonymous8:52 AM


  2. I liked the comparison of the photos of where the drilling would be and the photos the media show us.You know, they said the same thing about The Slope. They said the same thing about the pipeline. When a moonbat gets an idea lodged in it's head, there ain't no changing it little pea sized mind.

  3. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Hubby got a stepper/cardio exercise machine Christmas; I want to connect it the national grid and get $ back, or at least hook up to our hot water heater.

  4. Okay, my previous smartass question about vegetarian mosquitoes was actually correct. There are vegetarian mosquitoes.

  5. paulo - cheers!

    myron - Yeah - the contrast is staggering, isn't it? Yup, someone is always just dying to rain on the parade.

    meg - I think you may be on to something there. In our house, it would just be another laundry holder, and we'd be doomed to cold water ever more. :)

    myron - You crack me up - that is SO funny - I didn't even think of that!

    g bro - That's hilarious. You need to get a language course from Rosetta for the Inuit tongue, smart guy like you! No telling how that could come in handy in future.

  6. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Excellent posts... both of you. What a shock it is to find out that the MSM is not telling us the whole truth. Shocked.
