
Tuesday, January 09, 2007

There'll be no more meatless Tuesdays...

Well, I've got the first two of many cakes all packed up and ready to ship Tuesday. Miss Bunnydog was underfoot Monday night and doing the antsy-twisty sashay she does when she's in there's-food-around-the-corner mode. If only I'd known - Myron commented after the Sunday post that we could have just sent the half-et cake that doglet got at, him being used to sloppy seconds after his dogs got into the victuals. Of course, I learned this too late and had already unleashed Husband upon the cake carcass, so Myron will have to suffer a full, whole cake, unmolested.

Speaking of molestation, I wonder what is the origin of the euphemism "get at" when used in reference to a person interfering with another sexually? Rather odd, that.

I'm reading How to Lose Friends and Alienate People by Toby Young which is interesting reading, to say the least. I learned about this book last week when I was venting spleen on Graydon Carter and the toilet-paper quality rag that is today's Vanity Fair. Toby worked for VF under Graydon Carter and dishes up lots of gory details that merely confirm what a dirtbag I had decided GC et al must be to put out such a crap-content magazine. What surprises me, though, is that based on what I read on and with that title, I rather expected this book to be an act of contrition in which he basically apologizes for being crappy to people on his way "up." Not so, actually, he just talks a lot of trash (I suspect the people who look so bad in these stories probably found this flattering rather than something to be ashamed of) about what base snobbery and politics go on at this most elevated of all periodicals.

Did you know that the guy who plays the old man's body guard in A Clockwork Orange is the same actor who wore the Darth Vader costume in the original Star Wars? Apparently, because he's 6'7", George Lucas gave him the choice of Darth or Chewbacca. I think Darth was a good call, just based on make-up. Plus no lines to remember, right? Good acting!


  1. Anonymous3:02 AM

    6'7"? I wonder what life is like up there; the air must be thin. Meatless Tuesdays? You're not Catholic, I take it.

    I have a theory about Doglet and Cake; I think Husband conspired, because he wanted another House cake. Possible?

  2. For real - I'm 5'2" and it's just weird to think about being that tall.

    Funny thing about the doglet is is, when she does something naughty, I'm totally mild with her because she is just a dumb little animal, and she could pretty much crap on my toothbrush and I'd still be besotted with her. But HE usually gets very put out with her, so it was funny how he was saying "good doggie."

    There was a cartoon in the old Looney Toons days where there's a flea on the back of a dog singing "there'll be food around the corner for me, no more meatless Tuesdays." I was sorta likening the doglet to the intellectual level of a food-mad calculating flea. Not very complimentary, but she does seem mad for it.

  3. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Honey, I didn't quite make 4'10"; 6'7" is architectural.

  4. Anonymous8:34 PM

    I'm still thinking about how much the dogster enjoyed the rum cake. My feline loved this year's brandy cake.

    It would be great fun to have them participate in a booze cake eat-off, don't you think?

    I'm all antsy-twisty myself about the mail to come!

  5. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Have you ever tried Captain Morgan Private Stock Spiced Rum for your cakes? I got a bottle of it for the spousal unit for Christmas, and 'appropriated' about a cup for the cake & glaze ................... came out really good ................... ;)
    Semper Fi'
