
Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Welcome Home Little Sister, Brother-in-law, Niece, Nephew and big stinky dog!

Someone put this nice collection of pictures together to Chris Rea's superb song "Texas" from "The Road to Hell" (I love that cd, too). There are some great photos in here that capture the romance of Texas - I don't mean to brag, it's just that there's a lot here to love.

Lessons for renters from January 2007:

a. If you keep your weed in envelopes, kindly remove it from the envelope before you submit your rent in it.
b. If you submit your rent check in an envelope along with some weed, make sure you include enough weed for the landlord to do something with. That way, your underpaid landlord can make a little money on the side by selling it to your neighbors.
c. If you must get sloppy fall-out-of-the-car-in-front-of-your-neighbors drunk, just stay home and drink.
d. (this one's a recap) Don't leave dead animals in the apartment when you move out.

That is all.


  1. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Sounds like an interesting gig, you've got there.

  2. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Was that just one tenant, or a composite representative of the kind of tenants you get?

  3. fathairybastard - I have to say the pot thing wasn't the greatest shock I had, either, but the other thing is just too out there to mention.

    meg - *L* Actually, my apartments are fairly expensive and I suspect that most of the people there do not smoke pot, but who knows?

    g bro - what other delights can the next 21 days hold in store?

  4. phleghmmy, thanks for the link to the video. Don't it make you proud?

    Good advice for the renters. But will they listen? I doubt it.

  5. myron - you're welcome - I've always loved that song. Chris Rea is British, by the way, and sometimes an outsider can really capture the spirit of a thing or a place. I think the person who put the photo montage together did a great job.

    Yeah, well, my renters aren't reading my blog, but I do wish people wouldn't be sloppy about how they go about their business - it puts me in a rather awkward position.

  6. Sorry about the envelope, can I have my weed back?

  7. whiskytangofoxtrot - You collecting stems and seeds? Uh, sure! It'll be in the lost and found box in the laundry room.

  8. Not too funky!! LOVED THAT SONG! I just had to forward it to some friends of mine who reside there most of the time. Duuuuude! Where's my envelope?

  9. schnoobaroobie- It IS a cool song, innit? I love it. It's great driving music. I hope your friends enjoy it.

  10. Anonymous1:32 PM

    When I first heard that song, I went out and bought the CASSETTE! CD players were still cost prohibitive for home use.
    The photo montage was very well done. I always picture the drive out to W. TX when I hear that song. It's been one of my favs since forever.
    Thanks for a lovely break.

  11. There is so much to love in Texas. If I can just start tolerating the weather better, I'd never want to leave.

  12. Love Chris from Newcastle.
    The world of rented accomodation is a rich tapestry of the bizzare.

  13. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Weed in envelopes -- that's a good one.

    Stunning post below about ANWR. My God, finally a reasonable opinion in blogland!

  14. Anonymous6:16 PM

    I found a guys stash on the top of my car when I lived in apartments. I guess he set it down and forgot about it.

    Stoned people do things like that.

    I'm curious to hear about the "out there" stuff

  15. Whata fabulous video - astoundingly lovely photos and a great song! I know I have heard the song before, but can't think where.

    - staying home and drinking ...

  16. zelda - I'm with you - I HATE the heat and all this blasted sunshine. If I could get all the benefits of Texas and Texan neighbors but live in an ice cave, I'd be happy as a clam!

    tickersoid - Thanks! I always wondered where Chris Rea was from - he's brilliant! And yes, rental-world is a bizarre place to say the least - you should hear all the dirt I can't even print.

    lightning bug's butt - Yeah! Whatever happened to keeping the weed on a frisbee? Yeah the ANWR stuff was just SO good I had to pass it along - I get no credit for that - I just think it can't be said often enough, and if they keep hearing it, maybe some of the truth will finally sink in for some folks.

    hammer - Wow - hiding in plain sight, I guess. Sometimes I see someone driving down the road with a Big Gulp cup atop their car roof - I suppose it was kind of like that, in a way. Only stranger. Oh, I wish I could put the really weird stuff in here, but I dare not.

    barbara - I agree - they did a great job putting that montage together. *L* I WISH I could get that drunk, but I'd be bored with it before I got halfway there.

  17. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Love that video. Texas forever baby. Great shots in there of Enchanted Rock after a rain storm. Not the time to be walking around on it though, but the instant creeks and flash floods coming off the rock can be fun.

    But ya think maybe he was tryin' for sales? Put out a rousing song singing the praises of a state with a butt load of CD buyers in it? Am I being too cynical. Great song though.

  18. fathairybastard - Yeah, great job on the video. I've never been to Enchanted rock - I'll have to go there sometime. No, I really don't think he was aiming commercially, since he's never been really promoted here in the states - I suspect he's got a respectable following in England and elsewhere, but I've never heard him on the radio or anything here. Intent is irrelevant anyway. It's just a great song, bottom line.

  19. I wonder if you could actually use the envelope the pot-rent came in as rolling paper...

  20. maven - *L* I suppose one might. I simply smiled and dropped it in the trash...
