
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

OK, so the cake looks mildly, um, well, gooberoid. But it's our cake and we liked it. Or some of the family did, anyway. Everyone raved about the butter/hazelnut cream icing, but I didn't like the cake, and neither did nephew. I'm guessing that those of you who are quick on the up-take will discern that nephew's name is Frank. When he was still in the hangar, his big sister - the fetching young lass here donning the remains of the Nemo pinata - started calling him Frankenstein. By the time he arrived, we all thought it was fitting to call him Frank since that's what we'd called him all along already. It just fit him. I am glad his mom and dad agreed with the rest of us that he would be a good Frank.

Frankie did his 4th birthday party topless, and why not? It was hot.

There's also a picture of my dad, Frankie's proud grandpa with the birthday boy himself. They are two peas in a pod.
And then there's Frank with Colton, his best buddy in the neighborhood. They have a good time together, and Colton is over all the time. They looked cute with matching kool-aid moustaches.

Frank got lots of guy toys and he had a blast. It is gratifying to see little ones having such a good time, and it was sweet to see his big sister doting on him and trying to make sure he had the best time possible. She's a good big sister, and he's a sweet little brother. Ah, bliss!


  1. Yeah, birthdays used to be good days.... Until 5th, in my case; I got up early, went to the bathroom, and fell into the toilet because Dad left the seat up, and didn't have good birthdays until about 17, when a friend resurrected it for me.

  2. I think the cake is adorable, and perfectly styled to encourage a 4 year-old to play with his food. :)

  3. meg - wow - falling into the toilet - that would ruin my day, too! I'm glad a friend made birthdays ok again for you. It's a shame to dread them.

    tam - Playing with food was exactly what I had in mind, so thanks. ...and I very much approve of cake decorations that make a little boy want to go "Vroom! Vroom!"

  4. That cake is quite possibly the most amazing thing I have ever laid eyes on!
    I'm glad Frank had a blast!

  5. Awww, barbara - you're too kind. I really was proud of the ideer of the little backhoes and dumptrucks ferrying around and shoveling up crumbled cookie bits. Frank got lots of weaponry and outdoor games, and bounced like mad in the bounce house Sis & BIL rented. Those Bounce houses are a marvel - let the little critters wear themselves out, I say. No doubt Frank slept well last night.

  6. Just when you think the safety nazis and crazies have ruined childhood, we see this sort of thing and are reassured that all is not lost. Looks like a lot of fun and big love. He's a lucky kid.

  7. Aw, fathairybastard - we are a lucky family to have such great little kids in our midst. Yeah, he had lots of non-pc firing-iron type toys, and you should have seen Frank and the others whack the crap out of a Nemo pinata with a bat.
