
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

It's good to see the pontiffs get so tarted up when they go abroad. LOVE the red shoes - that's just my speed, actually. Quite smart. And you must love the intimate little wave - so demure. He reminds me a bit of Uncle Fester. I wonder if he does that trick with the light bulb? And apparently Tim Gunn of Project Runway is his left-hand man. Who knew TG was in so tight at the Vatican? I was never tipped off on PR when he deadpanned to the camera "I wanna give a shout-out to my homeys in da V.C." Silly me.


  1. Dig the threads! Poping must be a pretty good gig if you can get it... :D

  2. Hilarious. That IS Tim. Well, who'd a thunk it.

  3. And Pope Benedict does the thing with his pinky? Interesting. I wonder if he is a tea-drinker.

  4. tam - For sho'! What do you want to bet he has a cellar full of 1953 Chateau Margaux and an army of personal chefs?

    fathairybastard - Yeah, it totally IS! I almost missed that detail, riveted as I was on his flamboyant footwear, which I'll bet would have cost about 3 grand retail. (Trust the shoe horse on this one)

    meg nakagawa - Yeah, the thing with the pinky. I think it was Sarah Silverman I saw talking about a porn star who always had his pinkie up, and she said she finally figured it out: "oh! It's because he's fancy." So anyway, the pope is fancy. And yeah, I'll bet they use up tea by the bale in the Vatican.

  5. I like the red shoes too. And the beanie. He's just about the cutest pope ever.

  6. Now I see where all my offeratory money has gone...

    I wonder if assistant Tim Gunn tells the Pope to "make it work" before he gives a speech?

  7. Nothing beats the Popemobile. Ever.

    -- david

  8. And the little pinky action also comes in handy for hanging those little pontiff doughnuts on. They are fancy as well.

  9. The close-up; doesn't it look like he's signaling to a mate in the crowd something like, "the pub at 8?"

  10. That smile weirds me out. Does he look like the sort of old dude who'd like to get a blow job from a ten year old boy? Surely not!

  11. He has the eyes of Satan

  12. The raised pinky is from the gentle touch perfected while patting little boys on the head.

  13. zelda - stylin' and profilin'. I dunno, though, I thought the last Pope was cuter.

    kelly - Maybe Tim learned how to make it work from the guy in the red shoes.

    david amulet - Popemobiles rock - anyone with their own sneeze-screen-snowdome action has got serious game.

    barbara - pontiff donuts - do you mean his nostrils? *L*

    meg nakagawa - it's an air "pinkie promise"

    fathairybastard - EW! Now, we weren't even going there, and you had to get all raunchy.

    frobie - I agree that he looks kind creepy - he looks like he's not getting good nutrition - either that or he needs to invest in a good concealer and/or some vitamins, and I think shouldn't the pope have a personal facialist on staff? We know he can afford it. Really. Dr. 90210 needs to give him a ring.

    mushy - There we go again! Why does that sound nasty when I read it out loud?

  14. Pontiff ... make it work.
