
Sunday, September 10, 2006

I had a wonderful, lengthy phone call tonight from my dear friend Kim over at Something To Say blog. It's amazing that we've known each other about 19 years now.

She's a multi-talented artist and has always been a great inspiration to me. We talked tonight of the creative sandtraps we creative folk booby-trap our creative realms with - things like "the studio is too messy to work in" or "the studio is clean and I don't want to mess it up." Making anything worth making involves an enormous mess, generally. But then again, that's half the fun of it. So, play with your food. Make mud pies. Tap dance in the taxi line.

You know those cans of compressed air that you blow the fuzz out of your keyboard with? I need a mental version of that, something to clean out the cobwebs between my ears...

I was thinking about the croc hunter Steve Irwin, and that business of him pulling the barb out of his chest. Um, do stingrays lose their barb when they deploy it, like a honeybee or a scorpion? Or was there this big flappy-winged fish flopping about on him while they were trying to make it not so? Or was a stingray harmed in the filming of that segment?

Anyway. I thought he was a jolly good sport, and it was sad, but I rather think he would have preferred to go the way he did rather than sitting at a desk counting beans, even if it meant a longer life and a safe retirement.

Tomorrow is bear-killer's birthday party, and I spent the entire day making him a huge cake. It's a rectangle and I split the cake and put raspberry on one side and apricot on the other in the middle, and I made buttercream frosting which is EVIL. Evil evil evil stuff. 1.5 pounds of butter in one recipe is pure-dee wicked on a stick. I mixed nutella in with the top layer of icing so it's kinda brownish, and then I'll have piles of crumbled cookies on top with little Bob the Builder backhoes and bulldozers pushing them around. I hope it'll be cute. Picture tomorrow, maybe, unless it's embarrassingly bad, in which case I'll never mention it again.

Cheers & happy Sunday.


  1. And art takes horribly (am I allowed to say bloody on US blogs?) long to make, and art sometimes doesn't happen according to schedule. Sometimes I feel like I'm being pulled in all directions. And sometimes it all happens at once and I don't have enough bodies or time to do them all. And sometimes the joy of making things is not instantaneous - like some processes I just can't stand and it's always boring and always horrible. Alas, sometimes it comes out all wrong...

    Happy B, Bear Hunter. We expect the pic of the cake NO MATTER!

  2. Too true, meg. Well-stated. And indeed, sometimes the biggest mistakes turn out to be happy accidents and the best creative direction you could have taken. OK. The cake will be on tomorrow, but it may be in soft focus.

  3. yeah, I agree the old bloke would certainly preferred to go yelling Crikey! all the way. Me? Crushed by a huge pile of fabric no doubt!
    The cake sounds like a third buttocks to be had for all involved!!Fat city and deeeelish! let's see those pics!

  4. I feel the same way about my sewing machine. "Ooops, can't sew today! By the time I get the machine out from under last weeks mail, I'll have no time!" :D Isn't that odd? Even though we love to create, sometimes it's the "getting started" that gets us stuck.
    When you find those cans of air for your brain, let me know! I need a couple of them this morning...
    Can't wait to see the cake!!
    I enjoy your blogs - Thanks for sharing. Followed a link from LawDog. You made me smile...

  5. p.s. Art doesn't happen be cause of JOBS!!!!!!!!!!That's the biggest obstacle I've found. Wouldn't it be nice if once deemed an " Artist" we would be exempt from such nonsense?? Sorry I have my "Lifes work" I must be tending to!!!!

  6. schnoobie - You know, in Hobby Lobby yesterday I bought two entire bolts of lusty fabric that was marked down while I was on my way to the cake decorating aisle. Under a pile of fabric - that's how I want to go, too. Third buttocks - all around! Step right up. Ok. Now I'm going to be shamed into showing it no matter what! LOL! So I will. It's wonky but cute, I think. More importantly, I hope it's delicious. Hilarious side bit - i just realized why it tastes so buttery - I doubled the butter in the recipe but not all the other ingredients. ew. Heart attack on a plate.

    janean - honey, you are SO preaching to the choir here, because I bought a new sewing machine 6 or 8 weeks ago and was fired up to start on some projects, and I haven't even taken it out of the box yet - overcommitted! LawDog's blog is fantastic, and you must have come from there via Tam's View From the Porch blog, which is superb and one of the best blogs out there, long may she wave! Thanks so much for coming by - always a joy to swap stories with fellow fabric enthusiasts! Sweet baby on your avatar, btw.

    schnoobie - Yeah. Why couldn't we have been born Rich and creative instead of just fabulous and creative? Well, at least with fabulous we can eke out a living. I'm with you. When you find that perfect world that will pay me for gluing macaroni on flower pots, then call me, and I'll be there!
