
Thursday, September 14, 2006

Welcome to my world. Whatever bug crawled up everyone's ass last week is still snugly ensconced there and apparently thriving. Here's the .jpg from the email I told y'all about last week. Well, I shouldn't bitch - things are smoothing out a teeny bit. I still reserve the right to bitch.


  1. LMAO! Busted. What an asshole. Hilarious. Sucks to be that guy.

  2. what i love is the "please come again" cross it out and say F.U.

  3. fathairybastard - he has no idea - he's one of those "one-uppers" - anything you ever say, he's done bigger/better/faster.

    kim carney - I guess I should cross out "Will" return and write in "May" return.

  4. In Gov't work, that would be what we called "close enough".

  5. Okay, I have to delurk for this. Who's to say this little gem of a tenant didn't move his watch forward for effect? And "may return" sounds like a good idea...what about an "-ish" after the minute marker?

  6. And he has to live with himself for all eternity.

  7. I pretty much missed Project Superstar, or whatever the hell it was called.
    But I will be waiting for the porn tape with Tommy lee and the chick finalist to come out on the net.

  8. mushy - close enough or not, it'll have to do.

    amy - Well, he went to the trouble in the email to say that his watch is satellite-calibrated and accurate to within 30 seconds at all time. I'm all for the "ISH" thing. *L* Excellent ideer.

    zelda - yup - I'd say that's punishment enough, wouldn't you? He deserves our pity.

    big dick - *L* I'm sure there will be lots more Tommy Lee porn to come, if that's what floats your bobber.

  9. zelda - dipshits like him seem to love themselves more than anyone else so he's probably looking forward to spending eternity with himself.

  10. At least it's someone you can get away from.... I have a Dad that's kinda like this; he's 79 and has cancer but still has a very keen eye ofr all my 'Gotacha' moments.
