
Saturday, August 20, 2011

We had a spectacular rain storm last Saturday night.

It was the first time in several months we got any significant rain. One good thing that could be said of this brutally dry and hot summer is that it was devoid of mosquitos. Was.

I hate skeeters. They are vile.

Driving back home Tuesday night from yoga class in town, I drove through a swarm of something. I could not tell what kind of bug it was, but it suddenly sounded like thousands of raindrops were hitting the front of my car, and it was suddenly over. I didn't think about it again until I noticed yesterday that the front of my car is plastered with mosquito carcasses. What's incredible is that I've driven to town and back several times, mostly at a speed of about 60 mph, and these little devils hold together with remarkable strength. It's fascinating and disgusting all the same time.


  1. Ewwwwww. Well, at least we know what the last thing that went through their mind was...

  2. We never saw a drop of it. Dang it.

  3. Thanks for doing your part in the skeeter genocide program!

    I swear, they were wrong about death and taxes being the great constants. It's death, taxes, and mosquitoes.
