
Monday, September 13, 2010

puppydog tails don't sync so well...

There was a bunny outside the window and the little dogs were all agog. Chuy and Praline were losing their minds over the rabbit in what is clearly pack territory. This will not be tolerated. I laughed and laughed.


  1. That is hilarious!!!! I laughed until I snorted!

  2. Oh, hahaha!!! Most excellently wagged, puppehs!

    Dogs are the best. :)

  3. Anonymous10:54 PM

    It's good to know that it's not just my two that make those groany moany sounds.

    And where the puppehs immediately allowed out to reassert their dominion over the yard?

  4. They may not work well as window washers, but if you could hook those tails to a generator you could probably light up a home for only a rabbit a week.
