
Tuesday, December 08, 2009


There's nothing I can say!

I have no words!

h/t to Breda

I wonder why they reminded you of me? *G*


  1. Please see my comment on your post from Dec 2. That is all.


  2. uuummmm



  3. Appropriate shoes for a librarian to wear to work?

    I think not!

    Although, she WOULD be able to reach the top shelves...

  4. Mezmerizing

  5. The only thing that could make these cooler would be if there was room for the little dancer to spin round and round while you walk! Glad to hear you're feeling better, too. Since I'm de-lurking, I'd just like to say thank you for all the funny and entertaining posts over the years, as well as the terrible puns on your "Vicious Circle" appearances.

  6. Where's the shoe? Oh, OK...I see it now.

  7. Okkaaayyyy... THAT was worth a double take... The "only" thing that shoe is good for is advertising...

  8. Finally. Honest-to-god "Stripper Shoes".

  9. Aaaaw, c'mon Old NFO! I DID mean cool as in "these things are freakin' hilarious!" Now that I look at 'em again though, I think you're right. There probably IS room on the sides of those soles for a small advertising billboard. Actually, they could possibly fit an MP3 player and a small speaker in each sole as well, so they could belt out a selection of classics as you strolled along!

  10. Tole - Points for consistency.

    Farmmom - so you can't picture someone mucking out the stalls in these???

    Turk - we should take up a collection and get these for her

    Jess- yes! Dazzling!

    Tarb - i'm getting dizzy just thinking about that. THanks for de-lurking and answering the question I've had about who reads my blog and *gasp!* who listens to the Vicious Circle. *blush*

    Robert - Hyuk!

    Old NFO - well, some folks gotta make a living, I suppose! SHe works hard for the money, and all that!

    Arthur - sho' nuff.

    Tarb - Could be - would even perhaps be better than the lucite platforms with goldfish in...

  11. If you wear the Lucite-goldfish platforms, you gotta have a small band following you, with a drummer who beats out time on a cymbal with a brass brush.

  12. Rowr!! I have never figured out how anybody can actually walk in such things, the study of which is worthy of Stimulus Money!

  13. I would love to be the archeologist, unearthing that shoe about 300 years from now.
