
Monday, December 07, 2009

Of Mausers and Muffins, and other weekend bits...

LawDog and I had occasion to motor out to meet the Maven of Meringue Brigid for steak and stories. Having chatted on the phone for years, Brigid and I met in Dallas in March, so it was lovely to reacquaint and have time to mull over our stories over a lovely meal. I told her that I had mused to myself that I'd prefer we were eating a meal she had prepared. LawDog told stories that make me worry about him, frankly, and we had many a laugh. It's really nice to get together with friends from the blogging community, innit?

...speaking of good cooking, I really need to make some of these this holiday:


Today is my last day of prescription meds for my pneumonia. A second visit to the dr last Tuesday showed I still had pneumonia in my lungs, so more meds were prescribed. I still have some chest congestion, but I'll be nursing that constantly and will be vigilant should conditions deteriorate.

This weekend I lounged with the pups and got plenty of rest. I'm feeling better. :)

Have a great week!


  1. Good food, good friends, good times, and lots of rest. Sounds like the perfect prescription for what ails ya.

    Very glad to hear that you're feeling better.

  2. I had a wonderful time. Thank you again for the beautiful scarf. Tam said it was snowing, so I will need that when I get home tomorrow morning. I got a lot done at the house last week in prep for the "open house" but I still have a bunch to do before this weekend.

    My best to LawDog - it was a lovely treat to see him as well.

  3. You lucky ducks!

    I'm so glad you're feeling better. :)

  4. And remember that you are NEVER too young for a pneumonia shot. You cannot get one while you have it but once you recover, it's quick, cheap, and saves a lot of pain.


  5. Glad y'all had a good time!

  6. Glad you're feeling better. Hope you get all cleared up soon.


    I haven't hung out with gunbloggy-types since February. May be time to change that...

