
Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sunday, Puppy Sunday: The smell of puppies in the morning...

Last Saturday I had a steak at the Ponder Steakhouse with Bayou Renaissance Man, Matt G, Holly, JPG and LawDog. Was a lovely occasion!

I had a t-bone steak, and I asked the waitress if they had extra steak bones to send home for my puppehs. She gave me a little bagful, and Chuy and Praline feasted the next morning on steak bones, some with lots of extra meat on! I saved a few bones and they chomped on them for about an hour this morning. Here's Praline mid-chomp.
Om nom nom!
Chuy was done with his bone by this time and looking into the morning sun. No doubt he was thinking deep thoughts. Note the fine lines of his sweet little light-bulb head. See the wrinkles between his ears? Those get me every time. One astute soul observed that Chuy has only to wrinkle at me and I'm putty in his paws. The truth is Chuy loves me deeply and is steadfastly devoted to me, and I happen to like giving him whatever he wants. He's such a little gentleman-- I always imagine him in spats with a bowler hat on his way to his accounting job at a bank in Victorian London. All very proper, of course.


  1. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Cooked bones of any sort splinter and are capable of puncturing the stomach and intestines. Never give dogs-or cats-cooked bones, particularly chicken bones, I don't care what "grandad always said."

  2. crap.
    I won't do that again. I thought it was just chicken and turkey bones that were dangerous for dogs. :(

  3. Nope, any bone. Sorry...

  4. I'm shocked, and lesson learned. I hope my pups will be okay this time. :(
