
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Looking forward.

The weather has been shockingly cool this week, only in the high 90s. At times when it gets in the hundred-and-teens during the day, it'll still read 95 degrees on the light board sign by the local bank when I'm walking at 9 in the evening. This week it's been in the low 70s or even the 60s when I let the pups out in the morning.

Very nice.

Here's a couple snaps from the drive to work recently. Blankety tufts of clouds were hanging low and I could imagine the crispness of fall which must be around the corner, right?

I've been looking forward to cooler weather to get a lot more done around the house. I'm for housework, now. Have a great weekend!


  1. Just wait until this winter... :-)

  2. Well, I'm about to head to North Dakota, where the high temps over the next few days hover in the Seventies. I KNOW I'm going to enjoy myself!
    Have fun, Phlegm.

  3. Like that last picture of the clouds. It was hot here yesterday. I needed to work in the yard. Some grass I put in around my little barn thing didn't take and I had to clean that up again, washed down some siding that was dirty from roof run off and swept the garage. By the time I was done. UGH. Shower and Dinner and TV was going to be it.

    Up early today to mow just as soon as I see the neighbors up and around, before it gets hot again.

    It's been an UNUSUALLY mild summer here though and I've had the lowest A.C. (electric) bill I've seen in July since I moved here.
