
Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Say "Hello" to my leetle frien'.

The doc moved my appt up to Monday and was concerned about meningitis. Ew. She quickly decided no spinal tap would be necessary.

Took blood for West Nile Virus thingie. She didn't hear congestion in my lungs, but sent me for a chest xray just in case.

Thank goodness. She called me as I was going home to inform me that half my right lung is a massive pneumonia. She said I could have died. Eep. She asked if I wanted to come back and be admitted to the hospital. I told her that I thought I'd recover more quickly in the comfort of my own home, but it looks like I'm going to end up in the hospital anyway. Jeepers. I'm really bummed.

I have to go back to the hospital the next 7 days anyway for a big antibiotic IV cocktail thingie, and, crap. I guess that's it. Maybe they'll have wifi there, but I doubt it. I'd better go pack my bag.

See y'all around the sandbox.


  1. Do we need to satrt calling you LawDog, Miss "Ignore It And It Might Go Away?"

  2. OMG, Phlegm!
    IV antibiotics, quickly please!
    I'll be thinking about you (and worrying), please let all the nice professionals take care of you, 'cause you're doing a SUCKY job of taking care of yourself, dammit.
    Good health vibes headed your way from Las Vegas, please keep us updated as you can.

  3. Anonymous3:51 AM

    Awe, I'm so sorry. Now I feel bad for complaining about me. Sending hug's and hoping for a quick recovery.

  4. take the drugs
    drink the OJ
    get well

  5. AAaaaah! Eek!

    Get well soon!


  6. Feel better girl!

  7. Isn't there a famous toumbstone inscription that reads, "I told you I was sick"? Wow. At least the hospital food insures you'll lose a few pounds, which we women love to do:) Then, in recovery, you can righteously partake of something sinfully delicious and probably chocolate.
    Don't be surprised if the next time you mention you're not feeling well, your whole family and platoon of friends sweep you to the doctor.
    Looking forward to better days for you, which ARE on the way.

  8. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Phlegm, have a care will ya...this cavalier attitude can only go so far. This is serious!!!!

    Say your prayers, you're in mine...and be sweet.

  9. My wife, a very good R.N., lanquished for about a week with the "flu" and wouldn't hear of going to see a doctor. I told her she had pneumonia, just having finished my own bout with it, but she would have none of it. She just needed a few days off.

    On her sixth day at home, she was lying on the couch and trying to hack up part of a lung. She looked over at me and said, "I'm coughing up blood. Do you think I ought to go to the ER?"

    She was in hospital for 11 days, and it took her several months to really recover. But, recover she did. It doesn't sound like you're as far gone as my wife.

    Go to hospital and get well. You'll feel better, quicker.

  10. OMG!!

    I hope you are okay.

    Keep us posted if you can.

  11. Damn! Yep, go and let them shoot you up with whatever it takes. Sheesh, I'm sorry you're feeling shitty. Take care.

  12. So the irony of your username in this situation? No one's pointed that out? Am I the only nerd here?

    Pneumonia sucks total ass. Luckily the IV antibiotics totally work.

    Hope you feel better soon! Good luck!

    (came over here by way of Tam)

  13. Good God, Phlemmy! Please take care and get better soon...

  14. Dahlink!!

    please rest up and take care!! I've had the f*ing bugger my self more than once......and it kicked my buttox. I did manage to avoid the hospital tho......One tip bout hospital food.....unless you are on a strict diet you can REQUEST A BURGER OR MINI TACOS OR GRILLED CHEZ if the hospital has a short order grill type thingy.....I should know cause I worked one once.....Don't make any more miserable on yourself if you have gastronomic choices...Abd forget the "it'll get better or it'll fall off" are precious ,treat yourself accordingly!!! Fell better Dahlink!
    and get set for some shoe therapy recovery!!!

  15. I will certainly miss you and will be thinking about you during your stay.

    Get tough...get well!


  16. Anonymous3:05 PM


    Well, think of it as an opportunity to catch up on your reading and daytime tv watching.

    Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.


  17. Oh please oh please oh pleeeeeeeeeeease can I be the one to start your IV? Can I, huh? Can I?

    Fine. But do NOT let them start it in your elbow.

    Sleep every chance you get, no matter what time. Rest, rest, rest!

    Prayers and virtual hugs headed your way.

  18. Please don't die.

    It's too damned hot to wear funeral clothing. . .

  19. Pneumonia is crap! I've had it, but never had to be hospitalized, so you must feel really horrid.

    We will keep the internetz warm for you - you just get better.

  20. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Like those above, I'll miss you and look forward to your getting well and getting back on soon-to-be-dr-al-gore's wunnerful invention, the intertubes.

  21. Heard via Tam you were a might peaked. Some people have to learn the hard way that sometimes NOT going to the doctor is worse than going.

    Get well soon.

  22. Anonymous7:15 PM

    I'm late to this party, but in case no one else has pointed it out, pnueumonia is (or can be, heaven forbid!) Phlegm Fatal.

    Good luck, take all of your 'scription and don't hurt the respiratory therapist!


  23. Holly goes out of town without you, and this is the stunt you pull!

    Get well soon, sweetie!

  24. I'm too drained to make a joke. Please get well soon.

  25. Holy crap! Take care of yourself.

    I'll be sending you all my most healing wishes!


  26. Having several bouts of the stuff myself, when you are out of hospital, it will take some time to recover. First piece of advice, get a humidfier, second piece of advice get alot of vicks vaporub, third piece of advice use them and follow your dr's instructions to the letter and take ALL of your meds as prescribed.

  27. Get well, soon!

    We'll think good thoughts for you.

  28. Eew...I've never had pneumonia, but my sister's the poster child for the stuff.

    Hang in there, you...
