
Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Ruh roh, raggy. I'm feeling ill-ish. I'll be brief tonight.

I've been sitting by the fire so as the mercury plummets, I've not noticed the house getting so cold. Husband has taken to wearing hoodies and keeping them up because he's cold. I'm calling him Unabomber. He doesn't seem amused.

Anyone watching American Idol? *cricket sounds*

Anyone? *more cricket sounds*

Anyone finding it utterly resistable?

Shucks, I've resisted an awards show recently-- I can weather any tv storm.

I am otherwise occupied, hear me roar. Or croak hoarsely if this sicky thing keeps up.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Coolest thing on last night was Dogfights on the history channel. They did a famous sea battle from WW2. That fancy computer animation is cool as hell. That and a Star Trek rerun. Had a blazing fire, fueled by old tests and stuff I usually shred. Looked like the US embassy during the fall of Saigon in here. Take a pill and heal up babe.
